
Showing posts from February, 2020

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Second World Wonder

Do you want me to build another world wonder? Mind control:”Yes.” Build world largest library in Strait of Hurmoz in Iran then build my Statue near it and must be very tall built of isotope of copper so when it oxidizes it gets green-blue color. It must also have a light house on top of it and it’s electric power must be provided from Trillium Nuclear Power Plant. Build type Trillium Nuclear Power Plant which constantly increases the isotope of Trillium to make it active Nuclear Fuel so it does not need change of Nuclear Fuel change as often. Then build a city next to it protected from mind control built from copper wall similar to faraday cages. This city shall be city of liberty where free people of the world shall live in it. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan We built this thousands of years ago in Iran then we rebuilt one in New York. Every time America overthrew and brought down an Empire we changed the Light House on top of Statue of Liberty. Until from Trillium it was reduced to T

Afghanistan and Iran

USA troops has signed the deal with Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a Persian and Farsi speaking Nation and after America withdraws from Afghanistan Afghanistan will become part of Iran. Iran will appoint governors for Afghanistan and people of Afghanistan will be allowed to vote for Iran’s Presidential election and will have representatives in Parliament of Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Iran Army will build military bases in Afghanistan to ensure security of Afghanistan. The softwares of Mind Control which turns people into Taliban and terrorist groups shall be removed and new software will turn people of Afghanistan to engineers, teachers, scientists, businessmen, architects, scientists, entrepreneurs, and other protective people. We will build new metropolitans, factories, industries, manufacturing, lucrative businesses, profitable food protection, and other such economic activities in Afghanistan rapidly with high efficiency turning

HEPCO and General Motors

Because America has targeted HEPCO of Iran by sanctions and other sabotages we have decided to punish General Motor of America. For the security of the world we must ensure part manufacturing and engineering firms of General motor are destroyed and no longer active in America. America is only allowed to assemble parts produced in other parts of the world including Iran. America is not allowed to use Robotic for assembly of parts in USA and the assembly must be done by hands and by inefficient manufacturing system and mind control softwares. America is no longer allowed to produce any part previously engineered and manufactured by General Motors and must import them from other parts of the world and Iran. Also all the other parts used by General Motors which are produced by other manufacturers in America must be destroyed in America and must no longer be produced in America. Globalism dictates America’s industrial supply chains and Intermediate products must be imported from across ocea

Eliminate USA repeatedly for ten thousand years

America has repeatedly killed all lives in Russia. America has ensured eastern Russia and Siberia is empty of life and is sparsely populated to keep Russia weak. America has created harsh climate of Russia and Siberia to keep Russia weak. America has manipulated the sociocultural life of Russian people, communist party of soviet, and important Russian people. America has used Mind Control to change way of life in Russia forever. America has taken many women in former soviet states of Eastern Europe sex slaves. America has destroyed Central Asia by weather warfare and killed over 200 million people in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. America has destroyed economy, industry, and technology of Russia. America has destroyed many high tech sectors and strategic technologies of Ukraine. America has created civil war in Ukraine. America has deep enmity against Russia and former soviet states. America has killed everything in East Russia. Russia and former soviet states must have sing

America destroyed history of france

America started the yellow west protest in France then mind controlled French people to destroy their historic artifacts and records. Later America burned down Norte dame to further wipe out history of France. America has also burned Brazil Museum of National History to wipe out history of Brazil. America has done so to Iran, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Afghanistan, China, and many other nations in the past. People of the world must know America is their enemy and is enemy of their historic achievements. Everytime America destroyed stone building in Iran America rebuilt the same version America this is how we have many Freemason built buildings in America. People of France, Brazil, and other parts of the world most know the enmity America with them is very deep. Even if America calls France an ally at this time it is only for the time being and it is for the advantages it gives America for it gives America a Military foothold on Eurasia. America will betray and will live you in most dangerous

Brain Drain

Brain drain to United States of America must stop. Scientists, engineers, and students should not longer come to USA to do discovery and research. The new destination is Islamic Republic of Iran where best scientists, engineers, and students will go to do research, technology development, and for education. America shall no longer be the nation of engineering, applied sciences, and technology development and rather America will focus on theory. Iran will becomes home of engineering, technology development, applied sciences, research, and education.

Iran metal Industry

Now start corporations in Iran protected from bankruptcy then use them to develop most advanced material science, metal grades, advanced aluminum products, and other advanced metal products in Iran. I want to build world largest such industry for advanced metal grades in Iran and then build its industrial supply chains in Iran to be used in local industries. I no longer want to export raw ores and raw minerals from Iran. Also production of low tech steel and aluminum is not very desirable and rather I want to produce advanced such products and use them in local industries. Use efficient system and efficient methods to build such industries in Iran within 6 month. I want to control world most advanced and largest metal production company in Iran producing advanced metal products and exclusive metals grades. Make sure you build a vast network of industries using these products and also you export the extra to other countries. But I want to have full system of industrial supply chains to

Iran Turkey Trade agreement

Start process of making trade agreement between Iran and Turkey. Turkey has trade agreement with European Union and I am going to export to Turkey and export the next level product from Turkey to European Union. The trade agreement must be signed in a way to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Turkey. Meaning Turkey will purchase Iranian industrial parts, products, supplies, intermediate products, and finished industrial products to use them in its own Industries. Iran must also be able to export food to Turkey but trade deal must not signed in a way to endanger food security of Iran and Iran must remain independence in food production. So integrate Iran and Turkey industries and increase volume of trade by 2 trillion dollar. Hold on it is Middle East volume of trade is low. We’ll plan in a way to have two trillion dollar trade between Iran and Turkey in two days. Also establish a banking mechanism by Turkey and Iran to have trade done while circumventing sanctions. I also n

Crimes of Trump Versus Crimes of America

We must ensure World Remembers crimes of Trump as crimes of United States of America. The anger and hate which is created in the heart of the people of the world toward Trump must become against America. Because mind control of America helped Trump become USA President and used his unfavorable character and used him to place tariffs on all nations and placed sanctions on Iran. Trump destroyed Economic World Order yet many people still love America but they hate Trump. We must ensure they see crimes of Trump as Crimes of America since after all it was USA president who did it. The hate and anger must be guided against America. Again Mind Control of America used Trump to achieve its dark intends. So America did it.

Metal Industries of Iran

Now start corporations in Iran protected from bankruptcy then use them to develop most advanced material science, metal grades, advanced aluminum products, and other advanced metal products in Iran. I want to build world largest such industry for advanced metal grades in Iran and then build its industrial supply chains in Iran to be used in local industries. I no longer want to export raw ores and raw minerals from Iran. Also production of low tech steel and aluminum is not very desirable and rather I want to produce advanced such products and use them in local industries. Use efficient system and efficient methods to build such industries in Iran within 6 month. I want to control world most advanced and largest metal production company in Iran producing advanced metal products and exclusive metals grades. Make sure you build a vast network of industries using these products and also you export the extra to other countries. But I want to have full system of industrial supply chains to

Iran Machine

Now take advantage of low wages in Iran and hire everyone to build infrastructures, factories, manufacturing, industrial supply chains, finished industrial products, car manufacturing, parts, intermediate products, high value food products for export, dams, levees, metropolitans, Military Equipments and max efficient industrial systems. I want to awaken the sleeping Giant of Iran. I want to outproduce China and America within five years to teach you how efficient systems work. Now efficiently also build all technologies, parts, and needed supplies. Also send Iran all the mind control software they need to build these. I also need robotic manufacturing in Iran because I want to mass produce without needing to deal with human error. Start robotic manufacturing for building air crafts, Military Jets, boats, ships, cars, tanks, and other things. You know how it works. Start doing it. Work at 100 percent capacity and 100 percent efficiency and constantly increase the capacity. Remember to h

Economic world order

We built China to be economic balance of power and to have economy as large as USA economy. We worked for decades to achieve it but America has placed tariffs, sanctions, and else on China weakening Economy of China. America has also orchestrated hong Kong  protests which have weakened economy of China even further. After China and America made a trade agreement and Economy of China was about to be lifted again but America targeted China by Coronavirus further harming Economy of China. We worked for decades patiently to build economy of China and we don’t let our patient efforts go to waste. America is also confronting China’s technological rise by all force to prevent China from accessing exclusive technologies. We had world order deal to allow China to get there and even become an economy larger than America. But America has broken the rules. We need to ensure USA economy enters recession and America is defeated in economic warfare so we can ensure China remain economic balance of po

Economic Balance of Power

We built China to be economic balance of power and to have economy as large as USA economy. We worked for decades to achieve it but America has placed tariffs, sanctions, and else on China weakening Economy of China. America has also orchestrated hong Kong  protests which have weakened economy of China even further. After China and America made a trade agreement and Economy of China was about to be lifted again but America targeted China by Coronavirus further harming Economy of China. We worked for decades patiently to build economy of China and we don’t let our patient efforts go to waste. America is also confronting China’s technological rise by all force to prevent China from accessing exclusive technologies. We had world order deal to allow China to get there and even become an economy larger than America. But America has broken the rules. We need to ensure USA economy enters recession and America is defeated in economic warfare so we can ensure China remain economic balance of po

Combating Rise of Fascism

America has gone protectionist Nationalist economy and it is considered gate way to fascist system. America soon will be able to produce Military and industrial products without reliant on foreign countries. Meaning America now produces steel, aluminum, and other parts locally in USA and is no longer reliant on others for parts. If America wants to produce unlimited Industrial or Military equipment America will be able to and we will not be able to withhold parts to America to slow down Fascism in America. Economy of America must be weaken and Industrial supply chain in North America must be destroyed. We must place a physical ocean between America and its industrial supply chain. This is the reason we created globalism and world trade organization to prevent the rise of Fascism in America. Now we need a currency to ensure industrial supply chain, value of their stocks, and their corporations are destroyed in North America. Ok we use Dinar and we publish Dinar for Italy and we will hav

The King’s decree

You kept me single for 14 years. You tortured me for years.everytime I try to find a friend or romance you sabotage it. I told you I will take revenge of you people of humanity will be ashamed of recording it in History. Not only I will turn all Angolo Saxons into sex slaves. But also I will take female decsencdents of boss of your mind control base as sex slaves for sex slaves for thousand years for Indian miners, generation after generations. After one thousand years I will release the descendants of boss of your mind control base to the lowest of people to dwell with them for another thousand years. I will do worst rapes to your mind controllers themselves by the most painful means for keeping me single. For being single for 14 years I will kill your USA and will bring it down from status of super power of the earth. Your USA will fall for my youth being single. Then I will kill all of your mind controllers and I will wipe softwares you used to mind control people. I will turn all o
