Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Iran machine

Since America has withdrawn from JCPOA and sanctioned Iran we must mass produce nuclear warheads in Iran the fastest way possible to build ten thousand nuclear warheads within one year. Because when Joe Biden becomes President he will work toward lifting of sanctions on Iran and it will make it difficult to develop ten thousand nuclear warheads afterward. So before Joe Biden takes office Iran must become a Major Nuclear Super power. Iran must assume sanctions may not be lifted for long time. But build the ten thousand nuclear bombs in Iran by Iran for Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iran must also develop nuclear fuel and nuclear rod industries gaining control over this very strategic sector. Since both mind controllers and electric power generating nuclear power plants use these nuclear fuels and rods. There is also  Trillium Nuclear Power Plant Iran must soon become capable of building. Iran must have capability to produce everything and have exclusivity on many of them.

Iran must build nuclear powered giant tanks, giant construction vehicles, giant nuclear powered ships, giant nuclear powered machinery, and giant nuclear powered trucks. I want to make them from material resistant to nuclear bombs, pulses, rays, and beams. I want to arm them with nuclear warheads. They are exclusive to Islamic republic of Iran and mind control of Iran.

There is great opportunity to develop Iran now to become absolute economic and industrial super power since whole World including USA has entered recession and we have done so to punish America’s withdrawal from JCPOA. World is in recession and global industrial supply chains have collapsed. This event has always provided perfect opportunities for Nations under sanctions unaffected by global recession. Because they maintain their capacities while being in another world economic system ready to emerge as an absolute economic, industrial, technological, political, and military super power at the end of global recession.
Iran must design a payment mechanism similar to swift payment mechanism locally in Iran, operated in Iran, and by Islamic Republic of Iran. This payment mechanism must have parallel payment systems in Russia, China, European Union, and America owned by Iranians living in Iran. The owners must be chosen in a way they cannot be sanctioned. Then these several payment mechanisms similar to swift will be used for import and export from Iran and to Iran. Iran must also drop USA dollar in its trades and instead use Rial of Iran, Yuan of China, and Ruble of Russia. Iran is also building many banking mechanisms with cooperation with ASEAN, Eurasian Economic Union, and other nations and economic unions. These banking mechanisms can be used to do trade with Iran. For exporting specific parts to Iran we previously used Dubai but Dubai is no longer friend of Iran and now we can use Iraq as a gate way for export and import of critical parts, technologies, and equipments to Iran.

Iran must create gateways and methods to export to America and USA. One of the methods to do such a thing is building a car in Iran and then sending to Iraq to attach the head lights on the cars before they are shipped to Syria and Medditerranean Sea to be exported to USA. This way we can also export to USA.

Iranians also must buy oil platforms and oil wells in USA and this way Iran can have a method of exporting oil to other nations by extracting oil from USA. If Iran needs to avoid sanctions on Iran petroleum exports Iran can state the oils are from North America oil wells owned by Iranians. This way Iran will also gain influence and control over USA.

Iran must reverse privatization of its industries, factories, and other strategic sectors. Iran must start nationally owned industries, factories, part manufacturing, high tech industries, and other strategic sectors. For example, Iran must build a mega corporation tasked with building industrial parts, equipments, and manufacturing supplies. This industry shall design and quickly engineer industrial system to mass produce a part upon request by a customer. This is how you protect your important sectors from bankruptcy by sanctions only permitted in Iran. This is banned in USA and European Union. This method of nationalization of industries will also strengthen the arms of government to do developments and other projects. You can also use the income to protect the public by insurance and public education using income from lucrative nationally owned sectors in Iran. The income from these sectors will be used to further expand Nationally owned industries, strategic sectors, and projects in Iran. Then income from lucrative businesses and projects will be used to protect public by health care, public education, and other social protections. You can also use the income to protect the public by insurance and public education using income from lucrative nationally owned sectors in Iran.
Iran’s central bank must issue credit and lend credit to Industrialists, Manufacturers, people involved in economic activities with interests. This is exclusive to central bank of Iran and is banned to European Union and USA. Iran will need 5 unit of currency to issue 100 unit of currency and shall collect interests from it. This will provide capability for government to protect the society by having income to protect the public. Iran must establish new financial capital and financial market in Iran to lend credit to the world by government of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Now take advantage of low wages in Iran and hire everyone to build infrastructures, factories, manufacturing, industrial supply chains, finished industrial products, car manufacturing, parts, intermediate products, high value food products for export, dams, levees, metropolitans, Military Equipments and max efficient industrial systems. We can achieve 100 percent employment in Iran at low cost. It cost 200 dollar to employ someone in Iran while it costs 600 dollar to employ someone in China. It means there is great advantage in using cheap work force in Iran and building industrial and manufacturing goods. Iran also has many industries and factories which are no longer working due to bankruptcy, lack of parts, sanctions, and not having business. I want to revive all of these industries and reopen this factories and manufacturing locations. In order to reverse the bankruptcy we must purchase these factories by central bank of Iran, revolutionary guards, Iran Military, or government. This way we will use financial and economic power of National government to ensure our factories and industries keep on working even if the private actor lacks the money to survive. I want to awaken the sleeping Giant of Iran. I want to outproduce China and America within five years to teach you how efficient systems work. Now efficiently also build all technologies, parts, advanced manufacturing parts and needed supplies for all of our high tech, industrial, economic, manufacturing, air and space, and other important such projects. Also send Iran all the mind control software they need to build these because I need to use mind control software to build the part manufacturer, factories, industrial supply chains, high tech, semiconductors, computers, air planes and Jets. I also need robotic manufacturing in Iran because I want to mass produce without needing to deal with human error. Robots don’t make mistakes humans may do under effect of hostile mind control as it usually happens in Iran. By Robotic I can manufacture what I need without worrying about America sabotaging my work by mind control. Start robotic manufacturing for building air crafts, Military Jets, boats, ships, cars, tanks, and other things in Iran and do it on large scale. You know how it works you have Robots do perfect job without relying on human body. Start doing it. Work at max capacity and max efficiency and constantly increase the capacity of all factories, manufacturing, fabrications, machinery productions, industrial supply productions, finished industrial products production, train production, air plane, Jets, tanks, and car manufacturing in Iran. Remember to have all variety of parts, industrial products, techs, and strategic sectors within this system while you are doing these expansions and projects so the system will internally produce everything you need inside Iran. I want to turn Iran’s economic and industrial output as large as California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas, New York, Massachusetts, Japan, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Britain, Brazil, and India  remember I can get there within 6 month and I am going to achieve it.
We had banned total independence in protection of all parts, supplies, materials, and intermediate products to USA, China, and Germany to ensure there can not be uncontrolled protection by use of free trade and trade agreements. But since Iran is under heavy sanctions by USA for no crime of Iran we have decided to allow Iran to achieve total independence in production of all parts, supplies, equipments materials, intermediate products, exclusive techs, air and space, high tech industries, manufacturing, Industrial supply chains, production of finished industrial products, petrochemicals, fiber glass, semiconductors, telecommunication, electronics, electric parts, car manufacturing, robotics, nuclear cycle, nuclear tech, home appliances, Computers, and other important strategic sectors for Iran in Iran.
Concerning Robotic Manufacturing in Iran I must say signal intelligence and artificial intelligence must be used to analyze products which may need humans to correct the errors by Robots. This is very important.
Now add files to combat Coronavirus to it so system cures and heals Coronavirus in Iran.
Now also place weather manipulation system in service of the efficient expansion system for I want them to work together and achieve their goal in cooperation! I want to make Iran green with marshes, lakes, and rivers. Rain must come in a safe manner and it must be in full cooperation of efficient system industrial expansion.
Iran must efficiently and working at max capacity builds cargo ships and other types of ships for transit. Iran must build new ship yards to achieve this in sea of Oman and Persian gulf. I want Iran to build ten thousand new ships for transit and military purposes annually in Iran. I want to build world strongest shipping industry and navy for Iran. Make sure these ships have GPS, internal mind control, and other protections against theft. Because Iran was supreme of power of open seas and suddenly America stole them. I don’t want it repeated again and when we build these new ships again for Iran they must always be Iranian property under control of Iran.
Iran must quickly develop, commercial, and build both national and private space program in Iran for Iran. We must ensure Iran can launch multiple satellites at once into orbit for other actors who lack someone to launch their satellites successfully. Iran must also develop this technology for national and scientific purposes.  Make sure to commercialize technologies you develop along the path but ensure they are safe from uncontrolled distribution for commercial activities. Iran must also gain capability to produce large number of satellites in a very fast manner for actors others refuse to build satellites for them. One successful satellite can be assembled very fast once you design perfect manufacturing system for them. So Iran can produce thousands of satellites everyday. I also must remind we can build trillium nuclear batteries and other techs needed for satellites in Iran.
Build cities earthquake resistance and don’t place them in path of future rivers and inside future lakes!
Make sure all the equipments, finished industrial products, parts, machineries, and other manufacturing equipments Iran builds for its new industries and projects have 500 years life cycle and they are built in a way they keep on functioning and working properly even five hundred years from now.

Also build in Iran most advanced Aluminum, steel, metal, and metallurgy industry in fastest possible time. I must be able to build all metal grades, aluminum products, nickel, and other such products both most advanced and strategic ones in Iran within one year. I am going to use them in Iranian Industries and projects. I don’t like their export and I want to use them in aluminum and metals industrial supply chains in Iran. Now build these industries and systems in Iran in fastest possible way. I also need all metallurgy products, metallurgy grades, thin metals, supplies, and full spectrum of metallurgy products and grades being produced in Iran in 6 month to use them in my projects.
Expand the size of Iran’s petrochemical industries in Iran by 500 percent within one year. Build petrochemical facilities producing strategic products, added value products, expensive petrochemicals, jet fuels, and other important petrochemicals in Iran. Then use these petrochemical products to develop industrial supply chains for them in Iran. These petrochemicals and refined petroleum must be used in Iran for Iran’s industrial systems and projects. We want to import all of crude oil from Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, and Iraq to Iran and then use them in Iran’s petrochemical industries. We don’t want even one drop of crude oil being exported from Middle East, Caspian Sea, and Red Sea and rather they must be used in Iranians petrochemical industries and supply chains. Make sure you build these petrochemical industries with distance from each other and in different locations in Iran for security purposes.
Also give Iran softwares to rapidly build semiconductors, superconductors, and other advanced techs such as trilliom nuclear reactors. Now I need to also produce computers, tablets, electronics, cell phones, home appliances, and other such products in Iran.
Now give Iran softwares to efficiently and rapidly design and build Passenger planes, advanced military Jets, and other Air and Space equipments in large scale.
Now give Iran softwares to become independence in production of all parts, techs, exclusivities, and industries in all manners of tech. The software will automatically mind control people to build these techs.
Now build two Engineering systems of Soviet and USA at the same time in Iran having both fully functional and complete without reliance on other nations for supplies and parts by producing the parts in Iran. I must be able to produce both Soviet era technology and Military equipments and American Military equipments and technology. In addition to these two there is also Japan’s methods of Engineering and German methods which I must have in Iran and they must all be developed in parallel. There is also Iranian Method of Engineering and Technologies which must be preserved, revived, and used at its max potential. These engineering and technological accents must be developed in Iran within 2 years. Also add engineering system and methods of China to Iran’s engineering systems.

In order to have trained work force for these projects we must have new education system in Iran preparing children to work in these factories, high tech industries, and economic projects and developments from age 13 and age 18. Meaning a student in Iran must become a well trained Community College graduate with advanced vocational training by age 13.
18 years old graduate must have professional training such medicine, law, or five years engineering degree according current methods.

Now give Iran most advanced mind control AI.
Also add 1 trillion dollar to Iran’s economy to be used for these projects. This money can be produced by central bank of Iran simply producing this much money and placing it inside computer data base. You don’t need to publish the currency nor you need actual backing for this new Iranian Rial equal to one trillion dollar produced. You simply go to computer data base and produce one trillion dollar in central bank of Iran. Then you lend this money to other banks and then other banks will give them to Iranian investors, industrialists, manufactures, infrastructure builders, government, military, and other organizations and people active in economic activities. This money must not be used in Housing market and not in currency market and it must be exclusively used for critical economic projects.
Also find domestic and foreign customers for these products so they are profitable for Iran’s economy.
Iran must develop an industry to build industrial computers. Meaning Iran builds computers used for specific industries, factories, nuclear facility, manufacturing, and robotics. Iran must quickly develop this technology and make it available to Iranians industries and projects and also provide it for some of other global actors. Make sure you build softwares for them inside mind control most secure from hacking. Design the softwares and operating systems for them inside Iranian mind control inside Iran. I also need pico electronics, nano electronics, angstrom  from electronics, nano robotics with electronics on board, and theta hertz computers manufactured by Iran. Iran must achieve capability to mass produce computer chips, motherboards, graphic cards, hard drives, semiconductor backdoors, and other parts for personal computers, cellphones, laptops, smart phones, industrial computers, military computers, air and space computers, and other high tech computers in fastest possible manners. Iran is allowed to use all old and new hardware architectures when building computers. Iran must commercialize, militarize, and apply these computer technologies. Iran must ensure the corporations, factories, supply chains, and other important parts are in Iran owned by Iranians who live in Iran.
Iran must build supercomputer superconductors using superconductors instead of semiconductors. Iran must absorb radiations by superconductors then use the radiation absorbed by super conductors to calculated as fastest possible manner. Iran can also use devices to radiate radioactive electro magnetic pulses, beams, rays, and gamma rays from superconductor to another superconductor gaining capability to compute without making an actual physical connection by superconductors between different boards and circuits. Iran can also use same design to build a city made of superconductor computers, super strong concretes made of nanocarbons and concrete, and heavy water thermokinetic coupled with robotic manufacturing.
Iran must develop, commercialize, and apply about five hundred superconductors. I need 500 new superconductors developed and applied in other industries by Iran in Iran.
Iran must develop electric car batteries, advanced batteries, and other dependent technologies and quickly secure and commercialize them in Iran. I want Iran to mass produce electric cars for export. Iran built the batteries for electric cars first. This is their share to have them and commercialize them.
Iran must develop, industrialize, and militarize small sized nuclear reactors to be used on ships, submarines, air planes, trucks, space ships, and other important projects. Iran has this already but we need it available to Islamic Republic of Iran.
Now created a system of economic activities inside Iran to buy and sell parts, products, and supplies to each other to boost economic activities internally. So if you have 1 trillion dollar for economic projects this one trillion dollar is used for doing several economic activities. In the process this 1 trillion dollar is payed from one buyer to seller or provider and the system of economic activities is continues. To illustrate Product A is produced by producer A1 and the product is sold to another customer in Iran where it is used for building product B by producer B1, B2, and B3. The system continues and uses one trillion dollar again inside Iran to create unlimited economic activities. By this paragraph I mean Iran must create circular economic systems to use the money several times for economic activities inside Iran. See we created currency to limit economic activities by causing lack of access to finance. Now we have also engineered systems in which same currency is used in circular or more complex systems inside a country, city, or on global scale to create unlimited economic activities with same amount of money. I am commanding you create these systems inside Iran so Iran can produce more, increase its GDP, and finance such massive industrial project with budget Iran has at this time.
Also build engineering system of Iran in Iran and complete their industrial supply chains, techs, products, and advanced technologies.
Iran must build exclusive technology of heavy water thermodynamic and heavy water thermokinetic engineering. You do so by using varying isotopes in your heavy water. Iran must use heavy waters of different properties in conjecture with heating systems, engineering, motors, reactors, generators, energy transfer, and city building. These must be government and mind control owned industries for security purposes for Iran only.
I also want to produce Cheese to be exported to Russia, Europe, Canada, and China. I must export 20 billion dollar worth of Cheese to Europe alone. It can be achieved by having a diary producer who knows type of Cheese Europeans like or may like and producing those types of Cheese. Then we will need a market analyst and advertiser to export these products to Europe and present them at grocery stores. We can even develop Iranian brands which shall remain in memory of its global customers for centuries. So we had 20 billion dollar export of Cheese. We also must develop good packaging practices for food products in Iran and increase the value of food products before export to other nations. We must have a large share of global food security by devising policies which will ensure farmers in Iran will produce maximum amount of food and this way we will control food security of the world and we gain strategic advantage.
Plan well to increase population of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq by 100 million people. Increase the population of Shia Muslims in these countries. Syria must become Persian speaking by having Syrian women to marry Iranians. This must happen in a well designed plans and control manner so we can ensure there is security, food, income, and other important mechanism to ensure success for the nations and people of Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Increase Shia population of Yemen in same manner by 10 million people by birth and marriage.        
We also must lift regulations, taxation, and other barriers on Iranian economy and economic activity. Due to such barriers many of mines, minerals, and stones are exported to China and are not processed in Iran. After processing them in Iran you must continue work on it in Iran until it becomes finished product at the end of industrial supply chains. Also ban export of mines, raw materials, and ores from Iran.
Now reduce capability of Iran to export mines, ores, and raw materials from Iranian ports. You will do this by changing application of equipments used to load ores and raw materials on ships and trains in Iran.
Now add mind control privileges to Iranians to start such economic activities security and wisely being helped to achieve these economic projects by mind control systems and helps.
Iran must become major producer of machineries, finished industrial products, and advanced fabricated metals and equipments. This will be achieved by building new workshops, factories, and industries while having them working at max efficiency and max capacity.
Iran must become fully independent in production of car parts and be able to produce cars without importing parts. Iran must achieve the goal of becoming a major car exporter and be able to export cars and advanced manufactured products to Europe, North America, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, South America, and Africa. Iran must design and engineer better cars and it has been done already in Iran many times.
Iran must also expand the size of its petrochemical industries producing added value petrochemicals, strategic petrochemicals, and expensive petrochemicals. Iran must compete it’s supply chain for producing car tiers by building petrochemical industries for them and work on becoming absolute major producer and exporter of Car Tiers in Iran and from Iran. I want to export 500 billion dollar worth of car tiers from Iran annually.
Another application of Petrochemical products is building of toys such as LEGO. But it is not just plastic and first you need to make a powder then make LEGO. LEGO itself is a big business and Iran must take control of it. Toy production is another lucrative industry Iran most take control of it.
Iran must also develop make up making industry similar to L’Oréal. Iran has all the sectors and industries to gain control of 20 to 500 billion dollar industry.
Iran must achieve independence in production of semiconductors and earth metals used in production of semiconductors. This can be achieved by technology transfer, cooperation with China, and investment in science parks and building cities tasked with development of semiconductor technologies. Such cities and science development parks are not always successful because they will be sabotaged by America and in order to ensure they are successful you must have Mind control software with total control over mind control of these locations to achieve development of semiconductor technology in them in a very fast manner. You also need policies and corporations which will quickly and effectively commercialize semiconductors and electronics developed in these science parks and tech development cities.
Iran must start assembling Cell Phones, Tablets, and other electronics by relying on imported parts until Iran can produce the semiconductors locally. Iran can design and assemble cell phones and other tech products in Iran for sell in Iranian markets and for export to other markets. This can be achieved and it is very easy to do. Iran must also Mind control local population to only buy Iranian cell phones, tablets, electronics, and home appliances.
Iran must improve and revive its home appliance industry. It can be achieved by developing better and more efficient assembly processes to produce home appliances at max capacity and max efficiency in Iran. Iran must also develop technologies to build some of the home appliances locally. Use of smart home appliances in Iran must be banned. But Iran must also develop and export smart home appliances to foreign markets. Iran must ensure Iran controls semiconductor backdoors of home appliances Iran will export.
Iran has strong pharmaceutical industry. Iran must work on legal ways to use international drug regulations in its advantage so Iran can sell pharmaceuticals to developed nations such as European Union, Canada, and other locations where the value of pharmaceuticals are high and it is very profitable. Iran can develop strategies to by use of current pharmaceutical capacities in Iran gain a major export opportunity simply by exporting pharmaceuticals to lucrative markets. Iran must also improve its strategies to make drugs at the same time or faster than other actors with purpose of gaining control on exclusive sell of lucrative pharmaceutical products. Iran must make 500 billion dollar annually by export of pharmaceuticals.
Iran must improve its Chemical Industry and produce chemical products needed for strategic and important activities. There are many important and strategic chemicals exclusive to Japan, Germany, or USA and these chemical products have very important role to play in balance of power and in world economy since they are considered exclusive technology which Iran can and Iran  must quickly gain capability and capacity to produce such chemicals for export and for use in its internal industries. Iran must become fully independent in production of strategic chemical products. There are also a wide variety of chemical products Iran must quickly start producing which are highly profitable for export or they ensure Iran does not import them by cheaply producing them inside Iran. Iran must develop to become a super power of chemical industries and gains control over exclusivities.
Iran must commercialize it’s Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering capabilities. There must be corporations which can protect the intellectual property from theft by other nations and actors. These corporations must also be able to commercialize, export, and market these products. They must also be able to have large scale production of Iranian nano tech products. Iran must also design new systems and plans to have its nano engineers develop more strategic and lucrative nanotechnology products in Iran everyday.
Now build nano clothing in Iran to have capability to track important Iranian assets in Iran and around the world by government and mind control of Iran. Build carrying Nanomaterial clothing by Iran for Iran for protection and interests of people of Iran to make it difficult for other actors to find these assets. Build carrying Nanomaterial clothing by Iran to make it difficult for other actors to find these assets.

Iran must also use graphite, nanocarbons, and other nano material in production of concrete and other strong construction materials. They can be used in production of very strong concrete which will ensure cities are secure from earthquakes of biblical scales. These will also give securities to cities against small nuclear blasts. I want to build new metropolitans by them soon. Don’t build them where we may need to build something more important later.
Iran must produce nano clothing for its important assets in Iran and far reaches of the earth so Iran can easily identify them and find them by signal intelligence. They must be made in many varieties so it becomes complicated for others to identify them.
Iran already has very advanced biotechnology and developed and commercialized many products. The Biotechnology sector in Iran must plan in a manner to gain control over lucrative and strategic productions and commercial productions. A strategic production would be producing type of grain and rice which will grow in salt water and don’t need fresh water to grow. Then Iran can dig a canal from Sea of Oman to Iranian deserts and mass produce wheat and rice in salt water to gain control over food security of the world. Another example of strategic biotech products can be fertilizers which are using both nano tech and biotech in their production. Biotechnology also has application in pharmacology, pharmaceutical development, drug production, metabolite synthesis, and other projects which may be lucrative and have commercial sense to develop them.
Iran must use its capabilities to develop and mass produce proteins, supplements, and other food replacement products for athletes in Iran and abroad. Iran has large market of people purchasing body building supplements and producing their supplements locally will be saving foreign currency and will be lucrative business activity. Iran must work toward independence in production of bodybuilding supplements and work toward gaining control over global market of supplements, vitamins, proteins, and other such products. Once Iran gets control of these sector in global markets Iran will be making billions of dollar. For example, Iran opens service sector business to provide support for Industrial computers Iran shall produce. Another example is providing support for cell phones and tablets Iran assembles.
Also create Iran’s cosmetic Industry to export cosmetic products to America. So Cosmetics for American women and bodybuilding for Iranian men. Cosmetic means make up and make sure system understands we are not talking about nuclear systems.
Iran also must expand the size of its service sector and find a way to get control of this lucrative industry for there is 100s of billions of dollar profit to be made from the service sector alone.
Hotels, Villas, Houses, Shopping Malls, Tourist Attraction Sites, and places where Tourists spend their days and their Money most be owned by Iranians who live in Iran. foreigners are not allowed to own these important centers where tourists spend their money. Iran must also expand its tourism sector and make billions of dollar annually from importing wealthy American women to spend their cash in Iran and then have sex with Iranian men and then returning American women to America pregnant. So Iran will make billions of dollar by having American female tourists annually. Iranian women are not allowed to have sex with men and women from foreign countries. The centers where American and Foreign Women have sex in Iran must be owned by Iranians who live in Iran.
I am also building the Silk Road OBOR project by help of China. It means I will build substantial amount of rail ways in Middle East, Central Asia, and from Iran to Russia. I am also building a rail way from China to Pakistan which must be extended to Chabahar port and be connected to central rail way system of Iran. I am also building a rail road from Tabriz to Black Sea and I am building a rail way to Medditerranean sea through Iraq and Syria from Iran. This project is only a corner stone for building new world economies, major markets, and industrial supply chains in Iran and Middle East. This project will be completed when I build industries, industrial parks, manufacturing metropolitans, food production, and other industrial activities along the path of rail road to take advantage of fast and efficient transit system rail roads offer. I will be able to export to China in 1 week and export to Europe via Turkey to European Union through Iran to Europe within 1 week. It used to take one year to do so by ships. I must build all the train and wagons used for Silk Road and intercontinental rail ways in Iran. We worked very hard since 2016 to ensure the Silk Road OBOR project will be built. We succeeded against all odds to continue with Silk Road project. This must have a benefit for me in Iran and I will gain the benefit by gaining exclusivity for Iran to produce all the trains and cargo trains used for Silk Road, OBOR, and intercontinental rail ways in Iran by Iran. In order to achieve production of building all trains and cargo wagons by Iran I must revive my two train building corporations in Iran and increase their capacity and efficiency to max level. I believe I must also increase my train manufacturing capacity in Iran as well. I want exclusivity for production of trains and cargo trains in Iran for OBOR and other rail ways.
World must not move people around the world by trains and passenger ships now or in future. It is totally banned to transit people to and through Iran by ships and trains. This is world order law. This means Silk Road and OBOR shall not and must not be for transit of people.
We are totally against moving people by trains and passenger ships. Iran must start tourist ship industries and cruise ship industry for Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Red Sea.
I have also developed world largest air cargo industries and I have also developed one for Iran. This industry will be used to quickly deliver from Iran turbines, Finished industrial products, custom fabricated machineries and products, precession engineering products, and other critical products needed for very important projects, economic activities, and developments around the earth. So I can export my exclusive or important products from Iran to four corners of the earth in less than 14 hours. Using this method I can build a factory in Zimbabwe and a power generator in Zimbabwe within 1 week and develop far reaches of the earth in matter of months. This Air Cargo Industries must be coupled with vast network of custom fabrications, workshops, factories, tech production units, and other quickly needed production centers to be able to rapidly and quickly deliver products to and from Air Ports to Iran’s engine of global development.
Iran must use signal intelligence to identify problems in air planes which may need repair. The Artificial intelligence will find the problem and will guide the quality control and repair staff to go and repair the part. Iran can use same signal intelligence to study Air Planes and Military equipments produced by other actors.
Now work to efficiently develop Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and Afghanistan to integrate them into Iran’s industrial supply chains so we can industrialize these nations while keeping them dependent on Iran. Make sure it has business sense and financial return for actors involved in development of Iran’s neighbors. Iran must gain and maintain very strong political, military, intelligence, and business grip and control over Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Pakistan. We must control Georgia by Iran to have land border on the Black Sea.
Iran must become new destination for scientists, engineers, researcher, and entrepreneurs. This way they shall travel to Iran to develop new technologies and patents. These new patents shall be owned by Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian Academia which has developed them. Later they must be commercialized by Iran and in Iran. They must be 50.99 percent owned by Government of Iran and 48 percent by Private Iranian owners. The reminder 1 percent shall be owned by Makan Abazari.
Iran must stop export of agnets stones and other precious stones. Iran must instead build workshops to build expensive Jewelries in Iran for Iranians. Iran can also export 100 billion dollar worth of Agnet Jewelry to China once price is increased by first building types of Jewelry most desired in China and European Union. I have an idea agnet must have application in engineering and I must use it in Iran.
Iran will also have several major corporations to produce expensive clothing for export to global markets. For example, leather shoes and bags produced in Tabriz must be exported for 300 dollar each to wealthy regions of the world. There is also industrial weaving and other such industrial supply chains which could be lucrative and profitable.
Iran must build two intelligence agencies one at level of mind control and one at level of Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to ensure all industrial, business, manufacturing, supply chains, energy, and trade projects have a centralized intelligence center and use this center to connect industrialists, businessmen, factory owners, and other Iranians active in these projects to each other and to their supply chain. This intelligence agency will also develop strategies, factories, policies, and other methods to complete Iran’s industrial goal of becoming the absolute industrial super power of the earth. They must also spy on America, China, European Union, and other actors to learn about their projects and their goals so Iran can ensure its long term superiority over world economy and industries.
Rebuild two carriers Iran lost in battle of Perl Harbor the Mustofi and Shahyar. I need mini jets and most advanced equipments and technology for these new Iranian carriers. Iran also built Cassini ship now in a Museum in Massachusetts. Cassini ship was called Kashani in Farsi. Iran also built Peykans and Peykans were used to orbit around Neptune and to build a colony on moon. Then Iran built Peykan cars being said purchased from Britain but Queen of England still goes with a carriage herself.
We also want to rebuild Iran’s Passenger and Cargo Plane manufacturing. There are old but most advanced passenger and cargo planes no longer produced. We want to mass produce and manufacture them in Iran. They are tested and developed in the past and if we reproduce them in Iran then Air Travel industry will advance by 100 years.
We also want to build superconductor air planes and other advanced military air crafts in Iran again.
Now change constitution of Iraq and have them to have political system similar to Iran. They shall also be under direct rule of Supreme Leader of Iran. The Supreme Leader of Shia Muslims shall forever be stationed in Tehran Iran and shall be fluent in Farsi. In 40 years Shia Muslims who are not born in Iran to Iranian Parents will be considered for position of supreme leader of Iran and Iraq by referendum and until then only Iranians can be supreme leader of Iran and Iraq.
Bashar Al-Assad shall remain president of Syria for another fifty years and Syria must change its constitution in a way to be Iranian territory.
Caspian Sea Nations have changed the law of The Caspian Sea concerning resources of Caspian Sea. According agreements made between Iran and Russia at the end of World War One all of the resources under Caspian Sea are fifty percent Iranian resources and Russia took control of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Until then these nations were Iran’s territory. Now they have changed the law concerning the resources under Caspian Sea and it translates to termination of deal between Iran and Russia. Now Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are part of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran must pursue this in courts to take back its provinces.
Taliban must make peace with Afghanistan government. Iran and Revolutionary guards of Iran shall take control of Afghanistan once USA Military leaves Afghanistan. Afghanistan shall become part of Iran.
Islamic Republic of Iran shall be in power for another fifty years when I will extend their rule over Iran by another fifty years.
The League of Nations, United Nations, International Criminal Court, Head Quarter for Eurasian Economic Union, Headquarter for Medditerranean Sea Economic Union, and other important centers of power must move to Iran.
We must rebuild Manhattan in Iran since it was previously located in Bandar Abbas. Make sure you build sufficient amount of ports, rail roads, transit lines, and air port next to sea ports before you rebuild Manhattan on Bandar Abbas Iran. Now to start we must move New York Stock Exchange to Bandar Abbas Iran and then force all of the world stock markets to Synchronize to Bandar Abbas Stock Market.
Islamic Republic of Iran must permanently control and choose USA Congress, 10 Senators in USA House of Representatives, chief of staff of White House, USA Secret Service so they can imprison USA presidents when they have to do so, and Prime Minister of Britain. Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran must permanently select USA Presidents and decide for majority of their policies. Iran must always approve USA Presidents Executive orders and Executive privileges.
I have also created a continent over Pacific Ocean. You will see it when location of oceans changes. I have done it by activating volcanos and creating islands in Pacific Ocean. I have cesarian a continent over Pacific Ocean. This is why Iran shall mint 3Zari coin which will be valued at zillion multiple zillion multiple zillion dollar coins made of high isotopes of gold.
World Order,
Shahan Shah Jahan Makan Abazari

Islamic Republic of Iran must make a branch of Revolutionary Guard Qods force in Libya to help Khlifah Haftar in Libya in position of command and control. You don’t need to use Shia people and you can use all ethnicities, races, and religions among locals as long as they are not close distinction. I have other armies among both side of Libya forces involved in conflict and they must unify with revolutionary guards of Iran. Ettelat intelligence agency of Iran must also expand in Libya. Iran must build naval military bases in Libya. Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran must establish connection with African Mercenaries in Libya and use these connections to expand into four corners of Africa.
Khalifa Haftar of Libya and Bashar Al-Assad of Syria have signed a treaty recently. It opens the door to close Alliance between Khalifa Haftar and Islamic Republic of Iran. Russia is also present in Libya helping Khalifa Haftar by mercenaries and other means and this can be used by Revolutionary Guards Qods Force of Iran to establish close military and intelligence alliance in Libya with Khalifa Haftar.

Now have Libyan’s use some of Financial and military aid by Saudi Arabia and UAE to Khalifa Haftar forces to build factories, industries, manufacturing, smelters, Car Assembly line assembling IRAN Khodro Cars, Machinery Manufacturer, and Machinery Fabrication Workshops. Do this using 100 percent efficiency and 100 capacity method to expand size of Libya’s industrial capabilities in well designed manner in synchronized way with future and currency domestic and global industrial supply chain systems. Do this wisely. Make sure Economical, Industrial, and engineering firms of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Qods Force and Islamic Republic of Iran gain control over them. It must be profitable for Islamic Republic of Iran. Also assemble Russian Cars in Libya.
Iran’s HEPCO and it’s Industrial supply chains and its wheels of Industry shall be used for this projects.
Italy’s high tech companies, advanced technologies, and corporations must work with Khalifa Haftar and start projects, manufacturing, industries, and works in Libya. They must closely cooperate with Iranian Companies to transfer technology to Iran and Libya.
Turkey must change side and help Khalifa Haftar of Libya in this war so we can wrap up the war. Akhvanol Muslemeen ,Muslim Brotherhood, must have immunity from persecution and be part of Libyan Civic Society.
France shall have no future in Libya and must stay out of Libyan conflict. This is for world security we keep France out of future Libya.

There is global political system of balance of power dictating Libya, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, and Venezuela must be forever be politically, industrially, and geopolitically dependent on Iran and they will be under direct leadership of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Makan Abazari,
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan,
Makan Abazari The Leader of Arab Spring,

Iran and Russia must work toward membership of Syria in Eurasian Economic Union. Iran and Russia must build factories, industries, manufacturing, and military industry manufacturing in Syria. Syria must be quickly developed and be prepared for becoming a power and strong economy for future integration with Iran. Syria must also join Eurasian Economic Union. We can start a branch of Syrian Military tasked with building infrastructures, industries, factories, machineries, supply chains, and other industrial projects. Russia and Iran both have capability to mass produce machineries, equipments,  construction materials, equipments, vehicles, and supplies needed for these projects. Russia and Iran can also start a military branch tasked with building factories in Syria. Iran and Syria must build infrastructure and new towns in Syria.

We are working on Libya

Makan Abazari,

Russia and Iran must start talks with Croatia, Turkey, Moldavia, Ukraine, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina to start process of their membership in Eurasian Economic Union. This will benefit these two nations economically and industrially preparing them to become emerging economies. New economic model of Russia since collapse of Soviet Union and the integration of their industrial supply chains will ensure these two Balkan Nations will prosper and advance. Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldavia, Ukraine, and Montenegro will never be allowed to join EU and NATO and it is pointless to be on waiting list.

Makan Abazari,

Now start industrializing Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan in most efficient manner using max capacity systems of expansions. Ensure the industrial system and supply chains of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan forever remain dependent on Industrial, Technological, Financial, and political systems of Islamic Republic of Iran. Advance Iraq’s economy and industry in a way to make them more dependent on Iran’s Industrial and economic output forcing them to import parts, supplies, and finished industrial products from Islamic Republic of Iran. Now deeply integrate Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan with current Industrial supply chains of Iran. Iran must remain independent in all of its industrial, technological, economics, and manufacturing projects. But Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan must remain dependent on Iran in all of their industrial and technological projects. Iran and Russia must work toward membership of Syria in Eurasian Economic Union. Iran and Russia must build factories, industries, manufacturing, and military industry manufacturing in Syria. Syria must be quickly developed and be prepared for becoming a power and strong economy for future integration with Iran. Syria must also join Eurasian Economic Union. We can start a branch of Syrian Military tasked with building infrastructures, industries, factories, machineries, supply chains, and other industrial projects. Russia and Iran both have capability to mass produce machineries, equipments,  construction materials, equipments, vehicles, and supplies needed for these projects. Russia and Iran can also start a military branch tasked with building factories in Syria. Iran and Syria must build infrastructure and new towns in Syria.

Makan Abazari,
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan,

Now expand revolutionary guards and Ettelat of Iran to Sudan. Build Iran Naval Military bases in Sudan. Now use Iranian and Sudanese capabilities to expand Industrial, manufacturing, and engineering firms to expand economic, industrial, manufacturing, military industry, ship building, shipyards, and infrastructures of Sudan working at max capacity and max efficiency. Sudan must remain reliant and dependent on Iran’s Industrial Supply Chains, Iran’s Technology, and Iran’s manufacturing forever. Make sure this is profitable economic project for Iran. Establish control by Iran over Sudan.

Now start building new factories, industries, manufacturing, supply chains, businesses, lucrative businesses, and technologies in Afghanistan while maintain their dependencies on Islamic Republic of Iran. Work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing and developing Afghanistan. These economic and industrial activities must be owned by Iranians living in Iran and Afghanistan or by Afghanis living in Iran and Afghanistan. Build new metropolitans in Afghanistan which must be earthquake resistance. Build network of industrial systems in Afghanistan deeply integrated with Iran and deeply dependent on Iran. Employ Taliban to be part of an Army of construction. Taliban must hand over their weapons to Islamic Republic of Iran and in return be employed to take part in building infrastructures, cities, factories, industries, technological activities, part manufacturing, car manufacturing, and other such activities under direct control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Afghanistan must become part of Iran. We are having very important political, diplomatic, geopolitic, and sociocultural project in play to absorb Afghanistan to be part of Iran.
We want to build 20 new metropolitans in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Iran.

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan,

Now start fixing oil platforms in Venezuela at max efficiency and increase their oil extraction capacity. This will create revenue for Venezuela to pay for its economic projects. Now start expanding Industrial, manufacturing, car manufacturing, machinery productions, industrial supply chains, pharmaceutical industries, home care, tractor manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, military industry manufacturing of Venezuela at max efficiency and max capacity by hiring Iran’s HEPCO, Iranian Owned Industries, Iranian and Iran’s revolutionary guards construction and engineering firms. This project must be profitable for Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran shall also assemble Iran Khodro cars in Venezuela by exporting car seats, car parts, lights, and other important parts. Iran will also export important construction metals used in construction of houses in Venezuela. Now Venezuela must use its aluminum and steel sectors for building military equipments, body of cars, and turn them to industrial projects. I want to build a Military Industry in Venezuela to be able to conquer USA. This means also start max efficiency max capacity military industry and military ship building industry in Venezuela. Make sure Intelligence agency and Revolutionary Guards corps of Islamic Republic of Iran have full control over them in Venezuela. Now place Iranian Nuclear Warhead and Intercontinental Nuclear Missiles in Venezuela.

Now expand the size of Petrochemical Facility of Venezuela by 500 percent and turn Venezuela to major exporter of Car Gas. Also use farmable lands in Venezuela and turn it to a major food basket for Venezuela the world.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity expanding Military industry, manufacturing, manufacturing, industries, and factories, civil infrastructure, roads, rail roads, ports, air ports, and bridges in Yemen and specially Shia and Houthi controlled regions of Yemen. Build Naval Military bases for Islamic Republic of Iran in Yemen. Now expand the presence of Revolutionary Guards, Intelligence Agency of Iran Ettelat in Yeme

Now use max efficiency and max capacity engineering, manufacturing, industrialization, development, productions, and capacity expansion in Pakistan to integrate Industrial capabilities, manufacturing, and production of Pakistan with Iran. Pakistan must remain dependent on Iran in all these projects and expansions. Expand the size of Military Industry of Pakistan by 100 percent and have them work with max efficiency and max capacity for two years while building military arsenal for possible war against India. Design the military manufacturing and military production of Pakistan in a manner Pakistan gains both qualitative and Quantitative advantage to India. Pakistan must be kept inferior to Iran’s Military. Pakistan must increase the volume of trade with Iran and Pakistan must import from Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran their Industrial, construction, and engineering firms shall get the contracts for many of these projects in Pakistan. Make sure you design Pakistan’s System in manner Pakistan becomes fully dependent on Iran for Pakistan Industrial Supply Chains.
Develop East of Turkey, Iraq, and North West of Iran and integrate them with each other while ensuring economic, industrial, manufacturing, high tech, and technological industries of Turkey and Iraq are deeply dependent on Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity to build Russian and Soviet technology, military, Commercial Aircrafts, Cargo Aircrafts, Nuclear Reactors, Military Equipments, weapons, helicopters. Submarines, ships, tanks, and other Soviet Era technologies in Iran. Use membership of Iran in Eurasian Economic Union to integrate the industrial supply chains of Soviet technologies and industries between Iran and Russia. Meaning Russia and Iran will export to each other parts, supplies, intermediate products, and other things needed to have  full Industrial systems of Russia and Soviet in both Iran and Russia in an integrated manner. Iran must be able to produce all of Russian and Soviet products independently in Iran. Iran must be dependent in large volume production of most strategic Russian and Soviet Military equipments. For example, Iran must be capable of producing 1000 su35 annually without dependency on Russia but if Iran wants to build 5000 su35 then Iran will need Russia. This dependency will be due to lack of very high capacity production of five parts of su35 in Iran. Russia must remain dependent on Iran for certain parts of the Soviet and Russian technologies and Industries.

Now when you are building metropolitans and new cities in Iran build systems of metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, manufacturing metropolitans, residential metropolitans, and commercial metropolitans in conjecture with each other with efficient rail way transit, trucking system, Air Port, Subways, and Military bases around them to defend them. Try to make the metropolitans earthquake resistant by Concrete, Nanomaterial, good construction practices similar to Ekbatan Tehran. Ekbatan does not have nanomaterial but has very good concrete formulation. There are very earthquake resistance cities which you can build as long as you don’t obstruct future projects. Make sure the applications of factories, industries, and manufacturing of some of buildings in manufacturing, factories, and Industrial metropolitans can change in future by designing it in a way you can do other industrial practices in them later. Also make sure you don’t build them in locations where there will be lakes, marshes, and rivers later due to changing of ecosystem and environment. Build 20 Metropolitan Systems with such factors in Iran within one year.

Also use heavy water thermokinetic engineering using different isotopes of hydrogen to make heat transfer systems to synthesis, heating of building, heating of water, and other advanced metropolitan scale engineering works. You use different isotopes and water composition formula to make different hydrokinetic properties for them. Then as the pipes and constructs containing different heavy waters come into contact with each other they will transfer heat to each other, factories, buildings, and even environment. We can make a hot water tourist attraction inside a hub.

Now start building new metropolitans around Tehran to house people and build Industrial parks around them to have them work in them. Then transform Tehran and have some of the houses and apartment complexes to become companies and Become service sectors and other businesses, corporation headquarters while having other apartment complexes near them as housing for employees. This way we will transform Tehran to business hub of the world and we will turn the regions around Tehran into Industrial super power and metropolitans to house people in them. Make sure there are five metropolitans in vicinity of Tehran with substantial amount of manufacturing around them. Then connect these five metropolitans with a rail way system which will be efficiently transit industrial supplies, goods, and manufactured products within the Industrial supply chains of five metropolitans in vicinity of Tehran. Then connect this rail way system to Silk Road and OBOR rail way system and integrate it with Industrial supply chain of India, Russia, Pakistan, and Europe.

Now build 5 Industrial Power houses in Iran connect these five Industrial power houses with a very efficient Rail Way System. The system of rail way and transit must have artificial intelligence. so the super computer knows where is every container, cargo, and supply on each train. The super computer knows when they must arrive at the factory for the manufacturing to be efficient. The super computer will use robotics and AI to lift the cargo from train very rapidly to place them on the truck to deliver them to factories in the shortest time possible. All the trucks must be built in a way so the container from trains fits the truck and they are same size. So the robotic lifter will simply detach it from train and places it on truck due to efficient designs. The containers must also be the same size as the containers used for ships. Now these five metropolitans in Iran will each have its own industries and factories with expertise and speciality in one type of manufacturing, industrial supply chain, and industrial production. So they transit to each other while each having their own speciality. This way we will turn Iran to most efficient manufacturing system in recent memory. We will also give Iran independence in production of all parts, industrial products, manufacturing, high tech, strategic sectors, exclusivities, and military equipments. We used to have globalism and trade but Trump turned America into protectionist system and also sanctioned Iran. Now I am going to build the most efficient system in the world in Iran because America does not respect the rules.

This project is for Iran. We need an efficient systems of rail ways, air ports, roads, and sea ports connecting Iran to Middle East, it’s neighbors, and to the rest of earth. You build these rail ways connecting factories, industries, supply chains, food productions, and other means of transits to each other to different industrial hubs and industrial metropolitans. You also connect ports, sea ports, train stations for delivery of cargos, cargo air ports, truck loading stations to each via very efficient system. Then you build massive network factories, industries, military industry, industrial supply chains, food production, sorting, and distribution centers to these rail ways, air ports, sea ports, and ports in Iran. This project is for Iran only. Then you connect these rail roads from Iran to China through Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia. You connect these rail ways from Iran via Azerbaijan to Russia. You connect these rail ways from Iran to India through Pakistan. You connect these rail ways from Iran to Iraq, to Syria, to Medditerranean Sea. You connect the rail ways from Iran to Iraq, to Damascus Syria, to South of Lebanon. You connect the rail ways from Iran to Iraq, Jordan, Israel, to Egypt. You connect the rail ways from Iran to Iraq, to Kuwait, to Saudi Arabia, to Red Sea and to Yemen. You connect the rail ways from Iran to Turkey and from Turkey to German and Italy. You connect the rail ways from Iran to Georgia to a port on Black Sea. You connect the rail way from Iran to Turkey to a port on Black Sea. You make sure Iran builds all the trains and all the wagons for these projects and the Silk Road OBOR project in Iran. Make sure cargo container of trains matches the size of cargo placed on back of the Truck, Cargo placed on transit ships, and cargo placed in Cargo Air planes. This translates to rapid loading and unloading of the trains in Iran. Then use robotic arms, machineries, and such advanced equipments to unload and load in max efficient manner. Build a super computer city in Iran to know where every cargo on every train, ship, truck, and air plane is located and where it is heading to, and which phase every industrial, manufacturing, factory, and assembly is at the moment to design and maintain high efficiency work locally in Iran and on global scale. The computer system must be permanently located in Iran and Iran must have exclusivity on all of these technologies, production, and train production.
Also hire five million Iranians to do Mind control and twenty million Iranians to knowingly work for mind control teams and systems located in Iran working for interests of Iran and interests and protection of people of Iran.
I must keep all the races, ethnicities, cultures, and people in Iran alive and protected.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan

#Iran #Economy #Industry #Technology



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