Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Reunification of Iran part 2

America has been using mind control sabotages and manipulation to manipulate sociocultural life in South Africa, India, China, Russia, and Brazil.
America brought Credit Rating of South Africa to Junk Status. Then pressured South Africa until took President Zuma to court to impeach him. We had to sign on his impeachment to prevent fall of Zanobie political party and ensure survival of political apparatus. But we were not happy with political sabotages and sociocultural manipulation in South Africa.
America later orchestrated White Farmer Revolution in South Africa similar to White Revolution in Iran and Zimbabwe to destroy food production of South Africa. Then America started destroying last of food production in Southern Africa region by weather warfare. South Africa and BRICS must cut all diplomatic ties with United States of America.
South Africa, Mozambique,  and Zimbabwe are still Iranian colonies and territories.
America started pressuring Roussef and Da Silva in Brazil until USA took them to court and impeached Roussef in Brazil in 2016. Every nation received substantial gain by having Olympics but Brazil experienced great lost. America created very difficult economic situation and pressure on Brazil and its population to cause protests and Civil unrest leading to 2016 and 2018 events. America kept on the pressure and imprisoned President Da Silva in Brazil in 2018. USA caused mass shooting and insecurity in Brazil killing Brazilians to manipulate sociocultural algorithms of Brazil. America meddled in Brazil election and brought Bolsonaro defeating Hadad. America stole electronic, semiconductor industries, and Embraer of Brazil in the process. America is now stealing military industry technology of Brazil in 200.
Brazil must cut all ties with United States of America. Brazil must kick American diplomatic team out of Brazil and South America. Brazil must establish strategic alliance with Iran.
America has been manipulating Indian culture, religions, government, and sociocultural system by the help of Britain for centuries. America has caused deep enmity among Indian casts and caused a rift that can never be healed. America has caused population growth in India to be unmanageable. America has engineered genocide of Muslims in India and Myanmar. America took Modri to camp david and changed him with fake version. Then used fake Modri to take Kashmir region causing deep and long lasting problems for India.
India must cut all ties with America. India must kick America diplomatic team out of India. India must sign strategic alliance with Iran. Brazil and India must end all military cooperations with United States of America.
India and Brazil are territories and colonies of Iran.
USA had overthrown Soviet after taking Gorbachev to Camp David and changing him by fake version. Later we killed George Bush in 2018. America has caused fall of Soviet Union by sending fake Gorbachev to Soviet to bring about fall of Soviet. Later America has overthrown Ukraine and destroyed Ukraine by many plots. America has caused deep division between Russia and Ukraine. America engineered Civil war in Ukraine and Syria. America destroyed industrial supply chains of Ukraine, Russia, and previously Soviet. America separated Orthodox churches of Ukraine and Russia. 
Ukraine and Russia must cut all ties with United States of America. Russia and Iran must sign strategic alliance. 
Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan are Iranian territories.
America placed tariffs and sanctions on China destroying decades long hard work and progress of People of China. America destroyed the life as we know it in China. America destroyed many important industries and technological systems of China. America killed millions of people in China by Coronavirus. America destroys food production of China repeatedly taking away food security of China.
China must end all ties with United States of America.
We must have global pressure on USA and European union to lift sanctions on Russia and Iran.
BRICS Nations, Russia, China, Iran, and other major actors have demanded lifting of sanctions on Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and all other actors to make it possible to combat Pandemic and to prevent death caused by pandemic.
This is most important project by governments and systems of the governments of the world at this time. This is opportunity which must not be lost. We must ensure sanctions are lifted.
#Iran #Russia #China #BRICS

BRICS nations must create payment mechanism for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades and transactions. BRICS nations must stop use of dollar for trade among BRICS nations. BRICS nations must use Yuan of China, Rubble of Russia, or Rial of Iran for trade among BRICS Nations. BRICS nations must end relations with United States of America since America started trade wars with China, India, Brazil, South Africa, India, and Iran. America has also placed sanctions on BRICS nations and Iran. America has also sought to overthrow Brazil. America has overthrown Brazil and South Africa since 2016 by orchestrating courts. #South #Africa #India #Brazil #Iran #Russia #China #Trade #War #BRICS
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Russia is correct when Russia says at the era of Corona the sanctions on sanctioned country must be lifted. Countries such as Sudan, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba, North Korea, Somalia, and several other countries are sanctioned and their sanctions must be lifted. In the era of Corona we must lift all sanctions to protect nations from diseases. Many of these sanctions are no longer fit the time when government and policies in these countries has changed or is changing. Also America, European Union, China, Israel, and Japan are celebrating their historic defeat. This means we defeated them and their economies. It means we must lift the sanctions from sanctioned countries. We have defeated East and west industries and economies and we are moving the global industrial systems and supply chains to Iran, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Red Sea, middle east and several other sanctioned countries. This means you lift sanctions on these countries or European Union and U.S stay out of new global industrial supply chains and systems.
World Order,
Global Industrial Supply Chains,
Balance of Power,
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
#Lift #Sanction

If America does not lift sanctions then all sanctioned countries must drop America economic superiorities. Meaning sanctioned countries must stop using USA dollar and instead use Yuan of China or Iranian Rial. We want to rally behind one currency to create a powerful currency against USA dollar.
We must also synchronize the global stock markets to Shanghai or Tehran Stock Market and stop synchronization to New York Stock Market.
We have also created China financial Capital which means dependency on USA Financial Market and Financial capital is reduced and sanctions on Financial transactions of different nations can be confronted. We must also create a financial market and financial capital in Iran.
This means Iran can also lend credit and collect interest by having 5 unit of currency and then lending 100 credit.
Iran must gain access to technological and industrial exclusivities and by Iran having exclusivities all sanctioned nations will have mean of accessing high tech products.
Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea must become major economies and major markets creating new location to export to and purchase high value tech products from Iran to trade. It means dependency on USA market will be reduced. It also means America cannot sanction actors from access to high tech exclusivities.
We must create global industrial chains between sanctioned countries while creating financial mechanisms to trade between them without use of American financial systems and dollar. Iran must create independence in its industrial system complexes and cores.
BRICS nations must create payment mechanism and banking system with Iran and other sanctioned Nations.
Iran must join BRICS.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Balance of Power,

Germany should have not banned Hezbollah. Germany should lift the ban on Hezbollah or we will severely Punish Germany in near future. Hezbollah of Lebanon is not a terrorist organization in European Union and in international community. Only United States of America considers Hezbollah a terrorist Organization. But Hezbollah is a Balance of Power System created to confront expansion of Israel on Medditerranean Sea. Israel had original plan of taking over lebanon and eventually blocking Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon from accessing Medditerranean Sea. This is reason why Iran created Hezbollah of Lebanon to play the balance of power in the region against Israel. Hezbollah should not and cannot be branded a terrorist Organization. Hezbollah must gain substantial influence in Europe and America with capability to lobby USA government and European Commission. The ban on Hezbollah will have severe consequences for Germany in upcoming election and sociocultural algorithms of Germany will negatively affected  in retaliation on ban pressed on Hezbollah. Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guards of Iran shall be removed from list of terrorist Organizations. America must remove both Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guards of Iran from List of terror Organizations.
Hezbollah is balance of power actor for Iran and is foothold for Iran and Medditerranean Sea. We want to build Naval Military Bases for Iran on South of Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza to control Suez canal by Iran to have Iran act as another layer of Balance of Power.
As I said Hezbollah is a balance of power Actor which was aided and empowered by Iran during Iran and Iraq war. Back then when Iran needed help and had experienced major defeat against Iraq in a Major part of War suddenly balance of power tasked Iran with supporting Hezbollah and it was when Hezbollah started receiving help from Iran.
Before than America bombed a Jewish center in Argentine and left the blame on Hezbollah and Iran. It was before Iran and Hezbollah started full cooperation.
Argentine was Iranian colony before revolution in Iran. Soon after revolution the politicians had forgot. In order to prevent return of control over Argentine by Iran America bombed Jewish center in Argentine. Then left the blame on Hezbollah of Lebanon.
Iran Contra Affair was another policy America had to distance Iran from its colonies in South America during Iran and Iraq War. America wanted to sell Iran weapons by Regan Administration and instead prevent Iran from overthrowing its colonies in favor of Iran. America wanted to do so by spending the profit from sell weapons to Iran to prevent overthrow of Nations friendly to USA in South America.
We overthrew Argentine and Uruguay in 2020 in favor of Iran by election meddling.
Sanctioning actors such as China, Russia, Huawei, ZTE, Venezuela, Iraqi Political figures, Houthis in Yemen. and other actors for excuse of cooperation with Iran and Hezbollah must stop. This is new Habit Trump administration has developed and Trump has been weaponizing this excuse against many actors. At the end this policy will lead to creation of two world systems in which many actors are sanctioned or are under tariff and they bypass trade with America and its allies and instead they create another world economic system trading among themselves. It will lead to another Economic Superpowers war similar to Communism and Capitalism by creation of another parallel world economic system. We did not allow impeachment of Trump because it was for excuse of cooperation with Ukraine. But we can still impeach Trump for sanctioning Iran and its allies. All sanctions imposed by Trump shall be lifted by Joe Biden Administration without precondition.
If sanctions on Iran, Hezbollah, and their allies are not lifted we will kill mind control bases in USA for sanctioning balance of power actors.
Pressure against Hezbollah, Iran, Maduro, Houthis, and other allies of Iran must stop now.
We must ensure Iran establishes direct rule over Argentine, Nicaragua, Honduras, Uruguay, Bolivia, Bolivia, Chile, and Venezuela giving Iran back the control over its colonies. They must become part of Iran.
If Germany and European Union continue sanctioning Hezbollah, arresting their allies, and labeling Hezbollah terrorist organizations then we will brand Neo Nazi and Far Right Political parties in Germany Terrorist Organizations. Germany has been working to improve image Neo Nazi groups in Germany giving them legitimacy. Neo Nazi in Europe is not balance of Power but rather Rotational mass mind control algorithm that leads to Genocide of Muslim Immigrants and Jewish People in Europe. The systems which must be branded terrorist organization is Far Right and Neo Nazi in Germany. Remove Hezbollah and their associates from list of terrorist organization.
Hezbollah is part of Lebanon’s government and they are on their path to gain full control over Lebanon Government due to sanctions.
Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity giving Lebanon 500 percent economic growth within one year while integrating Lebanon into industrial supply chains of Iran.
Now suppress Germany and USA economy.
I must remind Iran has an algorithm designed within mind control softwares of South America and other parts of the world producing Rebels, oppositions, and other forces in these countries to create support for Iran and opposition to America all around the world. If these groups are removed system automatically will create a replacement for them such as FARC rebels, Amazon Rebels, Vietcong, and etc. Iran also has artificial intelligence which automatically and directly overthrows South American countries and other countries around the world in favor of Iran and in opposition to United States of America. The same power has led to impeachment of several USA presidents after they sanctioned Iran or proposed aggressive policies toward Iran. These systems, Rebels, organizations, Nations, and political parties must reunify under direct control of Islamic Republic of Iran.
Balance of Power,
World Order,
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Lebanon,

#Hezbollah #Lebanon #Germany #European #Commission

According treaty of Turkamanchay all the oil, gas, and Natural resources under Caspian Sea belong to Iran. But they have taken Iran’s share and distributed it between former soviet states reducing Iran’s share to less than half. Now according Turkamanchay treaty if any part of treaty is not uphold then all of treaty is void. It means Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, and Azerbaijan are now territory of Iran. #Turkamanchay #Turkmenistan #Uzbekistan #Armenia #Georgia #Azerbaijan all of the gas and oil from Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf belongs to Iran #Oil #Iran and #Russia Moon is the President of Korea and legislative body has been also chosen by us in South Korea. We have chosen them in a manner to ensure South Korea has people in power working to end military occupation of South Korea. Since Trump has been taking a billion dollar to protect South Korea it has come the time for Korean Government, Legislative Body, and public to make presence of USA military in South Korea illegal. #South #Korea 대통령은한국대통령이며입법기관도한국에서우리에의해선택되었습니다우리는남한의군사점령을종식시키기위해한국에힘을실어주는사람들을확보하기위해그들을선택했다트럼프는한국을보호하기위해10 달러를챙겨왔기때문에한국정부입법부대중이한국에미군을입국시키는것은불법이되었습니다. #대한민국We have plans of replacing USA Military with Revolutionary Guards of Iran once USA Military leaves Afghanistan. We killed Mind control base of Taliban and USA military in Afghanistan to forge a peace agreement between Taliban and USA Military. Once the peace agreement is materialized USA Military will withdraw Afghanistan. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards will replace USA Military for ensuring security in Afghanistan. We also want to increase population of Afghanistan by 20 million Shia Muslims, Farsi Speaking people who don’t look Chinese through brith and marriage. We want to shape the political process in Afghanistan in a manner to ensure Afghanistan becomes part of Iran. There many ways to achieve this both legally and through diplomacy. There is substantial historic laws and agreements making us capable of reunion of Iran and Afghanistan over night. Iraq has started a committee to formulate new constitution of Iraq. We want to reunify Iraq and Iran by placing Iraq government under direct leadership of Shia Supreme Leader of Iran. This will pave the way for ultimate reunion of Iraq and Iran. The Supreme Leader must be Born in Iran and be of Iranian descend being fluent in Farsi and permanently located in Tehran or Qom. Iraq must become part of Iran. We want to increase population of Iraq by 20 Million Shia Muslims through birth and marriage and we want to turn Iraq to Farsi speaking Nation. We want to reunify Iran and Syria by changing the law of Syria and adding Syria to Iran through several political and diplomatic arrangement to ensure Syria and Iran are one country. Good relations between Bashar Al-Assad with Iran and the historic ties between Iran and Syria makes this possible at this time and this project must be pursued. We want to increase population of Syria by 20 million people by having single Syrian girls and women marrying Iranian men. Iranian men can have more than one wife. This will lead to increase in population of Syria by 20 million Shia Muslim Farsi speaking people and Syria shall be part of Iran and Syria shall be Farsi speaking Nation. These projects must be pursued by full force. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Syria #Afghanistan #Iran Iran’s army and revolutionary guards of Iran must open military bases in Scotland, Canada, California, South Korea, and Pennsylvania and expand their pressure Scotland, Canada, California, South Korea, and Pennsylvania. Revolutionary Guards must open Local branch of Scotland, California, South Korea, Canada, and Pennsylvania. Make sure Revolutionary Guards of Iran use all of the races, Nationalities, Ethnicities, and Religions available in each of these three locations #Scotland, #Canada, and #Pennsylvania #IRIGC #Islamic #Republic of #Iran #Revolutionary #Guards #Korea #California Protestors in PA, NM, CA, and MI must ask for independence from United States of America. It also reads Panama Canal. Darush Kabir of Iran built Suez Canal from Yemen to Mediterranean Sea and made it Narrow near Egypt and Koorosh Kabir of Iran built Persian Gulf all the way to Mediterranean Sea but it is now blocked in certain areas and if it is opened it will be connected to Mediterranean Sea. Reza Shah of Iran built Panama Canal and Theodore Rosevelt was King of Iran who ruled USA and repaired Panama Canal after seven hundred years. I am also going to use Iran and Bashar Al-Assad to repair Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in America had Hezbollah Flag. Similar. Makan AbazariShahan Shah of Iran, World, and newly independent States in North America, #Iran #USA Protestors in PA, NM, CA, and MI must ask for independence from United States of America. It also reads Panama Canal. Darush Kabir of Iran built Suez Canal from Yemen to Mediterranean Sea and made it Narrow near Egypt and Koorosh Kabir of Iran built Persian Gulf all the way to Mediterranean Sea but it is now blocked in certain areas and if it is opened it will be connected to Mediterranean Sea. Reza Shah of Iran built Panama Canal and Theodore Rosevelt was King of Iran who ruled USA and repaired Panama Canal after seven hundred years. I am also going to use Iran and Bashar Al-Assad to repair Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in America had Hezbollah Flag. Similar. Makan AbazariShahan Shah of Iran, World, and newly independent States in North America, #Iran #USA

Japan has ended era of Pacifism and increased its military budget reaching 9th in World Military budget. It means Japan will purchase and build military equipment to gain independence for its defense. It shall lead to closure of USA military bases in Japan. Japan must choose politicians who will work toward closing of USA military bases in Japan. Japan has until Olympics 2021 to close down USA military bases in Japan or we will overthrow Japan during Olympics. Japan has new emperor and the dawn of New Era in Japan dictates closing of USA military bases in Japan. Japan is not allowed to fish in Sea of Oman and Persian Gulf. Japanese people must protest in Japan to close down USA military bases in Japan. South Korea has 10th highest military spending in the World. South Korea has raised its military budget to close down USA military bases in South Korea. We brought President Moon to reunify South and North Korea and close down USA military bases in South Korea. I have chosen Legislative Body of South Korea in a manner to ensure USA military bases close down in South Korea. South Korea and Japan must work at all levels to close down USA military bases in South Korea and Japan. South Korea must withdraw South Korean Navy Ships from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. South Koreans must protest to close down USA military bases in South Korea. Germany has raised military budge to close down USA military bases and NATO military bases in Germany and Poland. Poland and Germany must protest presence of USA Military and NATO in Germany and Poland. Polish and German politicians must be chosen in a manner to be against NATO membership and presence of USA military in Poland, Germany, and European Union.  PESCO or independent European Military was created by us to close down USA military bases in Europe and end membership of European Union in NATO. European Union Politicians, European Parliament, and European Government must work toward independence of PESCO from NATO and ending membership in NATO. Columbians must protest to close down NATO and USA military bases in Columbia. American citizens in USA must protest to end military presence of USA in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Persian Gulf. America must close down its military bases in Oman, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, and Djibouti. USA Military and Taliban signed military treaty to end presence of USA troops in Afghanistan. Iran will replace USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Japan, South Korea, and Germany to ensure security for these nations after USA military withdrawal. Iraq Parliament has voted to kick out USA troops from Iraq and USA military shall leave Iraq. I brought Hurricane Felorance and Michael to USA and forced President Trump to sign withdrawal of troops from Syria. USA military and NATO shall withdraw from Syria. We had Turkey to attack Kurds in Syria and then NATO and America sanctioned Turkey. Turkey must leave NATO and Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union.
Make sure Angela Merkel, European Commission, and Emmanuel Macron work on closing of USA military bases in European Union. Make sure Angela Merkel, European Commission, and Emmanuel Macron working on independence of European Military and PESCO from NATO by leaving NATO.
Make sure European Parliament members talk about leaving NATO and creation of Independent European Military everyday for few hours until the goal is achieved.
Make sure USA Senate and Congressmen constantly talk about withdrawal of USA troops from Persian Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria achieving withdrawal from Middle East.
Start protests in America to end never ending wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Persian Gulf.

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #South #Korea #Japan #Germany #Persian #Gulf #PESCO #European #Military #Germany #Poland #NATO #Iraq #Afghanistan #Syria #Saudi #Arabia #Djibouti #USA #Military #Iran #Pacifism #Budget #Turkey #EEU



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