Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan Step one

Central Asian Union organization must add Iran and Afghanistan to the members of this Union. This will give access to open seas to member state nations. The member states shall pay a cost for transit through Iran to Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. The membership of Iran and Afghanistan will guarantee easy access to open seas by Central Asian Union nations to Open Seas. This will ensure the opportunity for growth is available for all member states and it will integrate the region into global industrial supply chains bringing about major economic growth and prosperity to Central Asian Union. We have also built rail ways from China to Kazakhstan and from Iran to Kazakhstan. It will brings about another layer of economic growth and integration into global industrial supply chains by fast means of transit. The membership of Iran into Central Asian Union will pave the way for creation of regional industrial supply chains and wheels of Industry bringing about another major economic boosts to the region. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan are Iranian territory which had been occupied by Russia. It is most important to ensure Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan will join in Iran recreating strong and powerful nation they historically had been. Remember before invasion of Persia by Russia back then Iran was major technological, military, industrial, and cultural superpower of the earth. Iran was weakened due to war with Britain, Russia, Portugal, and America at the same time. Iran has robots which moved mountains and dug canals. Iranians and Persians had personal pocket computers far more advanced than cell phones during the era before invasion of Persia by Russia. Now we want to recreate the old empire and first step is full membership of Iran and Afghanistan in Central Asian Union.
#CAU #Iran #Tajikistan #Kazakistan #Uzbekistan #Turkmenistan #Afghanistan #Persia #Central #Asia #Union #Industrial #Supply #Chain #Transit
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Now increase population of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan by 40 million Farsi speaking people.
Now work toward addition of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to Iran in courts, by politics, diplomacy, geopolitics, and other means to add Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to Iran.
Now industrialize Turkmenistan at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains, factories, industries, intermediate products, and manufacturing while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now build metropolitans, cities, industrial parks, efficient food production centers, farming, manufacturing, academia, and industrial systems complexes in Turkmenistan. Do it in a manner to integrate Turkmenistan into industrial supply chains of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran while ensuring deep dependency on Industrial system of Iran and Iran’s part manufacturing.

Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and at max capacity creating independent industrial systems, industrial systems complexes, industrial systems complexes cores, and Industrial systems complexes central core of planet earth. These industrial systems complexes and cores in Iran must be capable of producing all industrial products independently without reliance on others for importing of parts. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity increasing Iran’s production and industrial capacity creating max efficient, max production, and max capacity industries in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity creating in Iran trans disciplinary and multi disciplinary systems of techniques, poly techniques, applied techniques, applied poly techniques, systems of techniques, applied manufacturing disciplines, and applied technological disciplines, and most practical and efficient Manufacturing practices in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity industrializing Turkmenistan creating industries dependent on Iran for parts, products, intermediate products, and capabilities to ensure there are customers for extra production capacity of Iran.

Now industrialize Uzbekistan at max capacity and max efficiency building factories, industries, manufacturing, Max efficiency food production, metropolitans, cities, academia, and commercial systems integrated into Iran’s industrial systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and part manufacturing.

Now start working at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran building applied Tin Film Mechanic Industries then militarize and commercialize them in Iran.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran using developed Artificial Intelligence and Swarm Artificial Intelligence in Iran to develop applications, industries, military capabilities, commercial use, and other uses in Iran. Do it for Iran for interest of Iran and protection of Iran and Protection of People of Iran. Make sure no one can hack you in Iran. You can access algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning data, and swarm Intelligence data by hacking those who developed them then use the data in Iran.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran developing applied Super Conductor industries.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran building an industry to build Cosmetics, Gillette, Shampoo, Creams, anti aging products, and other such profitable products to be exported to global markets.

Now work at max capacity and max efficiency developing commercial and military technology of nano capsules and nano packages of aromatics and other agents in sprays, electronics, equipments, and other products to be remotely sprayed on demand for given application.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran building factories which use surface modified systems for transfer of agents, separation, adhesion, and synthesis. You can build the piping and structure by self assembly systems creating complex structures for your factory creating complex systems. You can also fabricate piping and structures by other means. Then use material systems such as micro-structured and nano structures systems to release agents to control synthesis and processes by controlled release of agents. Then you can also use lasers and waves to release agents on demand. You can also remotely control nano metal robots to work within these factory built for Iran in Iran.
Do you want more applied poly techniques?
You can also use genetic engineering and bioengineering to synthesis Silicons by Algae and use complex structures for other applications. You can also collect algae from seas and place them in pools and then disturb their ecological algorithms and systems biology and force them to release nano and pico silicon structures you need.

Now let us get back to less time consuming projects. Iran must develop and build its 5 G telecommunications industries, technology, infrastructure, and corporations in 6 months.

Now industrialize North East Iran, East Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity creating regional industrial systems reliant on Iran for part manufacturing while ensuring Iran’s portion of system survives without the regional cooperation.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran commercializing and militarizing Theta Hertz Electronics, Nano-electronics, Pico Electronics, and Angstrom Electronics. It is techniques now.  Then you use Pico Electronics and Angstrom electronics on Nano Robots and radiate waves on them and have them do work by nano Arms while moving them by magnetic fields. Now it is polo techniques. Then you use nano robots with electronic on board to work in a factory I designed above to do specialty works. Then it is applied poly techniques.
Now increase rain in Central Asia, West Himalayan, North East Iran, East Iran, South East Iran, and North West Himalaya filling up Ural Sea and turning Iranian deserts into lakes in a safe manner.
Now create ecological algorithms in the region to create advanced mammalians societies and advance harmless animals.

Now rebuild University of Neyshabour and Tuss in Khorasan Iran. It must become metropolitan of Ten Million Scientists, Engineers, Academics, Applied Technology experts, Technology translation and transfer Engineers, Applied Techniques, Applied Poly Techniques, Air and Space Engineers, Applied Planetary Engineers,  Astrobiochemicalphysicalbiologists, Nuclear scientists, Superconductor engineers, Gravitation Waves Engineers, Geophysicists, Gravitational Physicists, Astrophysits, Nuclear Engineers, and other experts in other fields in applied disciplines including alchemists.

Now industrialize Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity creating Industrial Systems dependent on Iran’s industrial systems and Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now build car manufacturing industries in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan assembling Iranian cars by importing parts from Iran. Then export these cars to Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. Iran will build and design mind control infrastructures in the cars. These activities must be economically productive for Iran.
Bokhara in Uzbekistan is located on Shahrood Canal meaning it is located on the Shah Road or King’s road. This means we must build a main branch of Silk Road and Rail ways to go through Bokhara in Uzbekistan. Build a Metropolitan of industries, factories, manufacturing, commercial centers such as headquarter of corporations, academic centers for applied technologies, residential districts complexes in Bukhara Uzbekistan. Silk road is intercontinental rail ways. Now build nuclear reactor power plants in Uzbekistan by help of Russia Rosatom to power the Bukhara region but place it far from important areas in Uzbekistan.
Also build systems in which material are transformed into energy doing works, manufacturing, synthesis, and other such activities in applied technological disciplines.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Iran developing Trillium Nuclear Reactors and power plant Technology and mass production. Build type of Trillium nuclear reactors which its nuclear fuel is recycled automatically and to near infinity by increasing the isotopes. Then build these nuclear reactors in Iran and Bukhara Uzbekistan.
I am just translating Wikipedia on Bukhara. Now develop Iranian Chador for Hijab which is made from copper and conductive matter to protect important people in Iran and Bukhara Uzbekistan from mind control.
America:”Talk about بخاری”
Yes build an industry in Uzbekistan to build boilers, radiators, heating systems, heat transfer system for cars, houses, factories, air planes, ships, and cities. Then integrate this industry with Iran and Turkmenistan Industrial supply chains ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Then export these heating systems to USA, Europe, Russia, China, Canada, and South America producing 40 billion dollar annually.
Now start political works in Uzbekistan to have Uzbekistan to join Iran by bringing people to power and important position in Uzbekistan who will work toward reunion of Uzbekistan with Iran.
Now start political works in Turkmenistan to have Turkmenistan to join Iran by bringing people to power and important position in Turkmenistan who will work toward reunion of Turkmenistan with Iran.
Now start political works in Afghanistan to have Afghanistan to join Iran by bringing people to power and important position in Afghanistan who will work toward reunion of Afghanistan with Iran.
Now start political works in Armenia to have Armenia to join Iran by bringing people to power and important position in Armenia who will work toward reunion of Armenia with Iran.
Now start political works in Georgia to have Georgia to join Iran by bringing people to power and important position in Georgia who will work toward reunion of Georgia with Iran.
Now start political works in Azerbaijan to have Azerbaijan to join Iran by bringing people to power and important position in Azerbaijan who will work toward reunion of Azerbaijan with Iran.

Iran must design, build, control, and own all mind control infrastructures, facilities, command centers, bases, semiconductor backdoors, and softwares.

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Makan Abazari the Great Architect,



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