Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Secrets of Mind Control progressing

99 percent of Human Population is mind controlled. Even animal in protected area are mind controlled. It is why predators don’t attack cities as often anymore. Human family is mind controlled by might of super computers. There is an AI Artificial Intelligence used to solve the difficulties which may arise during mass mind control and cause solutions. Humans can also be allowed to think for few second to solve an issue on hand. But it is usually done by might of strong AI. If we go back 50 years soldiers have their heads in same direction and movements were precisely the same. But now the algorithms produce variation in movement of each soldier. Everyone in time square is mind controlled and everyone thinks they have their own choice but they are all under spell of same super computers. The thoughts, feelings, sensation, mood, and even love is transmitted by waves to the body and head. There is sonic, supersonic, magnetic, and electromagnetic waves which are used to produce different effects. Everyone is mind controlled and they don’t know it. The trick here is to get people to do what you want but have them think they decided themselves. There has been years of development for software and psychological programming and dark days of World War, Holocaust, social experiments, and etc are long behind us. The software improved but enslavement of people has become simpler. 50 years ago an American soldiers would have seen 3 Japanese woman move around and look at her by same look and exact movements. But now they are no longer as simple and binary and each has their own independent computation. Mind control happens by radiation of magnetic and electromagnetic waves at central nervous system and at Z regions of muscle, It will turn the magnetic field into electric impulse of the nerve or activates same mechanism in Muscles which releases ions and contracts Muscles. There is also sonic and subsonic waves which activates nerve activities for sensing and release of chemicals at different sites of body. The targeting, sequencing, and calculation for mind control happens in advance and people are mind controlled according to the software desire. Now there are people who overwatch the mind control and review conditions for people and given individuals. The mind control people say: “We have no choice or we will also be punished for they have mind control of us and they have guns here were mind control happens. We get punished the worst because freedom of one of us is freedom of millions of you. Because few of us mind control many of you.” Now the devices for mind control are located in the walls, roofs, foundation of buildings, cars, and even military equipments such as Humvee. By Makan Abazari The King of Kings Makan:”I don’t have mind control but I have weather warfare. I can vote as million of you, I can change governments, and I can influence mind control of others to achieve better ends. But It is because my directives dictates the goal and the path toward the given goal. It is done by change of mind control of people. I wrote this to teach you mind control happens and how it happens. I am against mind control and I am mind controlled myself.” Mind control has an AI. This AI orchestrates global believes and attitudes in geopolitical arena. Many nations are under effect of their own distinct geopolitical AI. But American federal government has a tool which forces subjugation of global opinion in favor of USA interests similar to case of invasion of Afghanistan or overthrow of Gadhafi. This AI has been very active since start of time of Trump and administration. But today we want to talk about biased mass mind control AI. It is created by hate toward Muslims and by people who set the software first. First thing first to remind is the disorganized and bad looking Muslim cities are either bad video recording or effect of mind control at the time of design and maintenance. Mind control is against Muslims and even the look of their cities, cultures, and even presentation of their people and civilization. Most advanced civilization in history had been Islamic civilization until down weather warfare and mind control. Anyway, mind control became extremely biased against Muslims due to 9/11 terror attack on Manhattan. It changed the global perspective and global mass mind control. This caused shifting of opinion against Muslims. It changed the world opinion against Muslims. It was progressively worsen due to reoccurring hate propaganda on TV by American and European Media. Mind control has two aspects personal belief system which people are fed overtime and momentarily belief caused due to active effect of mind control. The momentarily belief is type of mind control USA uses to achieve its geopolitical ends. America has been worsening belief of people against Muslims and Islamic Nations for decades but 9/11/2001 was one of the worst such sudden changes in global change of opinion. 9/11 was caused by USA mind controlling Muslims. It was planned decades earlier and Bush was just a retard and mind control puppet himself. Anyway, mind control got progressively biased again due to reoccurring terror attacks as well. This made Muslim people hated even more. Until we got to Iranian Nuclear Program and it led to sudden outpour of hate against Iran and Iranian People. Iran was already hated by USA system and Mind Control software since the time of hostage crisis in 1979 and 1980. But it was renewed multiple times due to Iranian Nuclear Program. Then Mass Media in USA increased and increased the hate and anger against Iran at rate of million publications a day. It was height of propaganda against Iran around to 2008 to 2012 when the articles against Iranian Nuclear program were being generated by every news organization and publication. It was mind control effect on global scale and it was sad. Then America engineered ISIS and Islamic Terror to cause more and more hate against Muslims. It was another era by which bias against Muslims and Muslim nation was worsened. Makan Abazari The King of Kings America is once more mind controlling Terrorists in Syria and Afghanistan. They have Heyat Tahrir AlSham being mind controlled to take over regions in Syria. This is again Uncle Sam producing excuse for USA troops to maintain presence in Syria. According ABC news this group has taken over 20 villages in Syria. It is disgusting how fast and unabated they take over regions in Syria. It takes them little to no Military force to take over villages. America is mind controlling the defenses of these regions to be ineffective while mind controls the rebels to be effective and rapidly taking over these regions. Now I must say the Al-Qaeda affiliates is the label America places on some of the Rebels to make killing of them Legal. Same way Muslims make killing of some people ok and religiously permissible. CIA also makes killing of some people permissible by labeling them as Al-Qaeda or ISIS. But one point I must remind here is America is mind controlling the rebels and terrorists in Northern Syria to take over regions. By doing so CIA creates excuse for USA military presence in Syria to continue. America cannot keep its military presence in Syria and must leave. No matter what is happening on the ground America must leave. As we have previously said we drew map of America to be exactly similar to map of Syria. Only thing you need to do is to take away Texas out of United States of America and then you find them to be exactly similar. The flag of Lebanon is similar to flag of Canada. Then there is Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and Alaska. America has started Civil War in Syria and has sought to divide Syria into multiple countries. For the same reason we have political Civil War in America. A government unable to act and whole country is engaged in endless political Civil War in USA. At the end we will divide America exactly the same way Syria gets divided. If Iran has no partner in Syria then America stays as one Unified Country. If Iran has to share Syria with America, Turkey, and Rebels then there will be independence for Texas, Commonwealth of USA, California Republic, and Wisconsin. America must cease mind controlling terrorists to cause instability and conflict in Syria and Afghanistan. America must stop obstructing rebuilding of Syria and lift all sanctions on Syria and Assad. America must respect world order decision to keep Assad in Power. America must pay 5 trillion dollars for damages caused to Syria. America cannot pay for people killed in Syria. These are also according international criminal court. We have world order court and International court rules being spelled out for USA here. Stop mind controlling terrorists to cause conflicts. We must say we no longer respect distinctions such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda as excuse to kill people. We believe America is using these labels to make it permissible in the eyes of world leaders and public to kill certain types of people. We investigated prisoners in Iraq and Syria belonging to ISIS and we have found out they were mostly Teachers, Engineers, Lawyers, and normal people. We have also evidence America systematically annihilated the Raqqa (Syria) and Mosul (Iraq) to hide away all traces of ISIS government. America bombed these cities to the point that neither ISIS nor the witnesses remain from ISIS rule. Then according our investigations in Concentration Camps which they hold ISIS family members such as wives and children we have found out they are so afraid of saying good things or even neutral things about ISIS. It is because even if they say a neutral thing about ISIS their stay in Concentration Camps will be extended. Here we also lawyered for Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Now we get to part of Plot which is deep state of USA strategy which seeks to keep USA troops in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In order to extend the stay of USA military in these countries the deep stay of USA constantly mind controls Taliban, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda to carry military assaults and gain success in their endowers. Then Pentagon, USA Military and other federal agencies in USA are mind controlled to see the danger and instability in these regions. Then these American generals provide advice or orders for President Trump to extend its Military stay in these countries. We must say America must rapidly withdraw from Middle East. There is absolutely no need for American presence in these regions. Now another world order (CIA) code here. Syrian Civil War must have ended under Iran, Russia, and Syria talks (ASTANA Talks) after seven years and Afghanistan War must have ended after 17 years. But these stays have been extended to 8th and 18 years. Now this is the point which it must start having costs for American troops, Deep State, and other forces who want to extend military occupation in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. These costs could be USA Military Forces, USA military assets such as Navy ships and Jets, or it can be rise of Mafia in USA similar to 1920s when Mafia were using machine guns and other means to maintain control. It will lead to great insecurity in America when Police Stations, USA Government Offices, and innocent Civilians start getting caught in cross fire of Mafia Wars in USA. Now we are not ordering this but Mind Control had thought me in Massachusetts to say this when we get to this part of plot. America cannot have a military base or presence North of Persian Gulf. America cannot even maintain presence in Turkey. America must move all of its military forces to South of Persian Gulf or out of the region. It is world order. America must also pay for damages of War caused against Afghanistan and Iraq which are more than 5 trillion dollar each. We shall use these fines to rebuild the battle thorn countries in Middle East. Germany, France, and Britain must also leave Middle East or we will have case of mass arrest of their troops in the region. We are considering to mass arrest French, German, and British troops in Middle East. (It is world Order + Makan Abazari). By the way Uncle Overthrows signals me by shooting American Military Jets, Helicopters, and Navy ships asking me if we overthrow countries. For example they shoot two USA military helicopters to ask me which government we choose for Leadership of Iraq and Lebanon. Previously mind control used to tell me about these regime changes but they eventually stopped informing me. So the mind control and World Order started asking me if I am approving them by shooting American Military Hardware. So if you saw such case let me know so I study the cases and decide on individual basis. Anyway, take Trump out of Camp David. Take Mike Pompeo to Camp David. Also accelerate withdrawal of USA troops from Middle East. Anyway, going back to use of terrorists by America to extend USA military presence in Middle East. We want to rebuild these countries. We want to build infrastructures. We want to build new metropolitans. We want to return the rain and good environment to the region. We want to have prosperous communities and integrated societies like Europe and America. But America uses terrorists, Mind controlled Rebels, and actual USA military presence and forces to destroy Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. America has been resetting these countries over and over again. There has been no genocide so long lasting, so evil, so harmful, and so ill intended as Genocides America has carried in last 17 years and in last 70 years in history of mankind. Yet America’s deep state seeks to extend the military presence in these regions and again and again carries terror attacks and Military strike against these countries. This is also reason why we have Yellow West Protests in France. It is reason why we have some issue in Germany. But those issues are cosmetics while people have been systematically killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and even Iran in last 70 years. Makan Abazari The King of Kings We believed Europe when they stated they are working toward independence from USA in their political, Geopolitical, Military, and economics. But unfortunately the leaders have been continuously brain washed and raised to see the condition according their long term psychological programming. The Europeans are psychologically programmed to oppose leaders such as Maduro, Oppose Iran, Oppose Russia, and to oppose others who may be important for balance of power and global security. Since we had the European Independence project so we expected European Union to oppose overthrow of Maduro as an independent geopolitical Europe would have done so. But European leadership has been under influence of mind control for so long and have been programmed to oppose Maduro, Oppose Iranian advancement, and oppose Assad in Syria. This is because they don’t have another vision of this world. They are mind controlled and raised to oppose Maduro, Iran, Russia, and Syria as European Leaders and decision makers. These are basic mind control effects. Then we threatened them in Europe and there was a delay on that decision to recognize opposition leader as interim President of Venezuela. So Europeans did not support interim president upon our statement. But there is also geopolitical Machinery of America which runs mass overwrite mind control around the world. This way they take mind control of every leader to achieve their end. This mass mind control overwrite rarely used to get activated in the past. But under Trump Administration this mind control constantly gets activated. For example for invasion of Iraq, Libya bombing, Sanctioning Russia, Skriov poisoning, and now overthrow of Maduro in Venezuela. When there is such events on global scale I must not be included in mass mind control overwrite. I should neither be obstructed by mind control disturbance nor hacks. They are not allowed to obstruct me in such cases by mind control, hack, technology, or any other mean because I am balance of power. I am the force which protects all of us from dangerous overthrows an regime changes. But they have been making me unable to work in such scenarios for long time. Now world order must protect me or we will have to take away America’s privilege of mass mind control away. You either allow me to work, you respect European internal decision making, and you stay away mind control take over of Russia and China or we will have to refuse all America’s requests of mass mind control. You are making me, Makan Abazari, unable to act in this senarios sole force other than balance of power to police the events and ensure long term security. This is reason why I am about to end European Union the closest ally of USA because USA disrespects mind control rules and disrespected balance of power and has attempted overthrow of Venezuela. This is not Cold War Of technological capabilities, hacks and mind control disturbances. Lots of of forces can disturb mind control and hack others. But they respect these boundaries and securities for all of us. But they respect because This is the world in which we do things because we have rights to do so and our right and authority and capability to do our duties are guaranteed even by our enemies. If it becomes use of hack, mind control, or other technological means of interference then there are lots of other things lots of people can do. #EU #Venezuela #Balance of #Power #Mind #Control #Overwrite Makan Abazari The King of Kings America is running mass mind control overwrite of Hispanic Population in USA, Venezuelans in Venezuela, European Leadership, and other government assets in USA to support overthrow of Venezuela. Another such time was when America was making new NAFTA deal under Trump adminstration which we delayed it but they made me unable to overwatch the next phase. (It was one of the worst criminal mind control disturbances which perevented me from policing the event when I was in Massachusetts.) ((yes trade deals, Economic activities, balance of power, world order, (Sport Games), Regime changes, Elections, and so on are all decided by me. This is why I have no interest weresetling with hackers because there are much more important things)) Sensitive Material on Florida High School Massacre Shooting on Florida high school analyzed using Ultra Secret and Sectioned Techniques, perspectives, and Material in support of the analysis. Some very sensitive material therein, by Makan Abazari. Date: February 18, 2018 Author: Makan Abazari 0 Comments — Edit Recently there was a terror attack, by white supremacists, on School Children in Florida. That was reported it had killed 17 School Children. These mass shootings are done by same group that Mind Controls Terrorists in Middle East. They have several types of these assets and mind controlled people. To mind control them; They send targeted individual saddening waves in relation to a memory or event, then they anger them, and when they think about solution they transmit thought of violence or use weapons for mass murder. They set peoples on such mind controlled thinking behavior and thought processes years in advance before they want to actually use them for such crimes. There has been so many such cases and many of you are familiar with the process I explained. That type of pattern are fundamental way of getting strategy and thinking process out of thought process. The added psychological programing being violence and hatred for this specific applied mind control case. But the process is used for forcing you without letting you analyze every part of story. So you don’t think but your thoughts are transmitted by waves and it is being broadcasted to your head. Then they send another parallel wave with it to make you establish associations and connections between events and thought, also association between wave and validity of argument. Sending you waves that validate the argument or better said the feeling you have when discussing a valid argument with lots of confidence. The argument in decision making process could be foolish. The waves are reason behind you accepting or rejecting the points of argument. There are so many such feelings transmitted by waves. Example, feeling of being smart, feeling of being right, feeling of being wrong, feeling of being victimized, and feeling of love and affection. When these patterns and combinations are used you are mind controlled at this level of technology for mind control. There methods styles and ways to mind control peoples. . But there are varying capabilities, methods, and strategies based on whose mind controled asset it is. These were the easiest waves and mind control tricks. To produce sadness you monitor brain activity of sad people and then you learn how to force sadness on others by waves. Very basic. The waves are sent from infrastructure in walls, roads, and even cars. It is cheap to make transmitters. The transmitters receive directive from radio communication hub. And the communication hub gets directive from satellite. Then there are computers and software that translate the thought processes from computer software to signal communication, then to 3 D shapes of moving waves in varying frequencies, patterns, and directions. Then there is moving targeted individual and the given local infrastructures’ locations which AI takes to consideration. So it has a very robust flexibility for computation all automated. Yet data entry into mind control software is made by another software that generates thoughts and actions based on desired effect and goals. Now you can be part of swarm of mind controlled achieving project X, Y, or Z as USA Military Industry Complex. or you are mind controlled to interact with every other mind controlled person in your network where everyone is mind controlled and it appears normal to everyone’s eyes. America itself has sent that terrorist that shot 17 children in Florida High school. It was meant to cause distraction for News Report to conceal several important event in the world from public. Events such as Tillerson in Middle East and Iraq Reconstruction. They also do that to threaten people and to harm image of Islam. In addition to that they threaten countries and Nations with Swarm of Mind Controlled shooters to surrender to their pressures. Thus they take hostages. The American mind controllers take American people hostage so they can silence peoples or to force other things on us as Americans. They should learn this clearly, we do not surrender to demands of hostage takers. We don’t even negotiate. You want to release armies of mind controlled shooters killing mind controlled people? Classified Figure; ” We am not surrendering to that. We have more important things to consider effecting all of human family. You cannot use violence or threat of more violence to ever influence our actions. You shot Iranian Plane going to Yasuj and you shoot high school children. Because the humanity of earth is at stake and you shall never influence our works by taking hostages or by carrying terror attacks. We can also release all these secrets and have eyes of world openly seeing the truth. Thus understand the situation by help of waves.’ (Because they send you waves to consider this material as impossible and that is easy to do) So your mind controlled gunners killing folks will only be proof of your own crimes and supporting case for informing of the earth on the truth that the humanity of earth has been long lost. We are all mind controlled machines and the sufferings are even man made for control and appearance of reality. We don’t need to suffer. But why are they doing that? Never forget it is United States of America that houses mind control bases for most regions of the earth. There is no Russian, Iranian, nor Chinese capable of mind controlling USA or Europe. If there is any of these it would be American mind controlling Chinese and Russian masses. ((((For writing clean I need to write offline, then send to laptop that gets kicked out of Internet once I try to do something then send to cellphone by ups and then email it to tablet since I don’t want to log in on my android to my blog and I don’t want my desktop online and my tablet iPad burns computers when connects to them. ))))
My Post


Two more mind control articles. Trying to keep up daily. It is for higher purposes and is originally called Liberty Marathon if speak about shielding. See I cannot do anything for myself or I will be sabotaged so I try to achieve my goal while giving it a private angle

I am going to publish more of these every day and show you how the world around us works. There are deep deep deep things for all of us which about to lose their meaning and get totally new meanings so reader discretion is advised

Two Articles: Mind Control of Leaders and Rejected

This is an article on new series of Daily focusing on secrets of mind control and breaks down meaning of the mind control and how it works from influence on individual to sciences involved in such projects. We also call it where is my girlfriend series because Massachusetts Mind Control is blocking Women from me. They either start a war between Israel and Palestine every time I am to date or they mass mind control everyone and I find myself with a girl fighting like movie matrix against all the mind controlled people attacking.

I am doing this because I need to teach people of the world how mind control works so they will be illuminated and will know how to deal with the situations which may arise. This is very important series and it is second such series and last time we called them Liberty Marathon Prologues. This time we chose temporary name of where is my girl friend series but will change the name from next episode.

This is an article on new series of Daily focusing on secrets of mind control and breaks down meaning of the mind control and how it works from influence on individual to sciences involved in such projects. We also call it where is my girlfriend series because Massachusetts Mind Control is blocking Women from me. They either start a war between Israel and Palestine every time I am to date or they mass mind control everyone and I find myself with a girl fighting against hordes of mind controlled people like movie matrix. Yeah story is old and there is a long lasting issue and future pay back. Anyway, we report it once at least. Now we have where is my girl Friend Series.

Wearable anti mind control hats (Thanks Giving Gift from Iran)

How to Protect yourself against Mind Control when you are out of shielded building. Some buildings have exclusive mind control and some have mind control. We are hoping for the world where there totally shielded placed are available to everyone.

Makan Abazari

Mind Control protection comes by conductive matter and best one is copper. Gold and silver are even better but people will steal silver and gold. And designer of Statue of Liberty was Laboulaye (was not French but was Fars) and his real name is white washed and Laboulaye means (laye be laye) meaning two layers. I brought this torch of knowledge to you traveling to east and west conquering two end of planet earth until I found this knowledge. I am liberty Marathon Champion and have walked the freedom road. Makan Abazari The King of Kings.

#Messy #Mess #Messiah why is statue of liberty is having this greenish color? The greatest secret of liberty hiding in plain sight by Makan abazari
Why Egyptians had bronze wigs or gold helmet? Why original Hijab by Muslims was copper or other metals as embroidery and plates on it. Why judges in Persia, France, and founding fathers had silver wigs, why soldiers in world war 1 had helmet of metals? What does copper means in Farsi? Mess #Mess #Messy #Messiah BY Makan Abazari The King of Kings
There is a torch of knowledge kept alight by force of thousand kings. Why is statue of liberty had this color? Why is it called statue of liberty? What is the material #Mess #Messi #Messiah Why judges had white wig out of silver #Mess #Mess I #Messiah By Makan Abazari The King of Kings (not divine) why?
#Messy #Mess #Messiah why is statue of liberty is having this greenish color? The greatest secret of liberty hiding in plain sight by Makan abazari

How to Protect yourself against Mind Control when you are out of shielded building. Some buildings have exclusive mind control and some have mind control. We are hoping for the world where there totally shielded placed are available to everyone.
I need to remind you the sound tortures and distractions you feel is not due to acoustic or sound waves. They are electromagnetic and magnetic waves sychronized and hit you at the same time you hear the sound. The actual reason behind disturbance of peace and attention is not sound rather it is electromagnetic waves. Magnetic and electromagnetic are used for torture and it is part of problem with our federal government. They are not under command fo USA president and USA president does not have control over them. USA presidents don’t even know about their existence and happening. Presidents themselves are mind controlled by a group and people in mind control. So it is not white house. CIA does have the capablities and depending on office at varying degree. There are lots of different methods to do mind control of peoples but this is not the issue. There are many interest groups who do mind controls at the time of elections and we call them Civil War of Elections. If you are trapped watching CNN and change to FOX news you see it feels different. Each news organization has its own mind control waves sent at audience in a synchronized manner as they hear the audio of the TV program they are watching. But the institution who prepares mind control files is differed from actual news organization. Mind controls are also influenced by Towns, Cities, States, and the Cell Phones in your vicinity but mind control waves are sent from infrastructures in the wall. Yes there are infrastructure placed in the wall at the time of building. SO there are varying mind control groups and when there are elections there is mind control war and tortures. You must know you never reward the torture. You never make a decision based on Torture. The other thing you can do is covering four corner of your room with copper and then connect it to a wire and put it 5 meters underground with a wire so the deposited charge on faraday cage discharges. This is classic method. You can also purchase Silver Hairs like founding fathers and Copper hairs like Ancient Egyptians to protect you. If you pay attention Knights and King Guards never removed their helmets. Helmet was not meant to defend against swords but rather against mind control. If you watched movie three hundred you also see the Persian immortals also had helmet and face mask meant to protect them from electromagnetic waves which did mind control. Also Persian judges and influentials had silver hair and at times even silver facial hair. See they can be colored into Black or other colors while made of copper or silver. History of our earth is manipulated and mind control resets scientific advances and cultures on rolling basis and maintained power of the earth as it is during several classified. But the power of Kings and Governments have been totally destroyed ever since. Governments are weak and Trump himself is mind controlled. Trump does not mind control people nor orders them. I just want you to know the sound and annoying torture you experience is not Trump and it is not Sound. It is invisible and out of hearing range waves: The Magnetic and electromagnetic waves which targets your brain at specific frequencies and oscillation to cause the disturbing effects. They can guide your decision making and your comprehension of information.
Makan Abazari The King of Kings

Merkel as Island of Stability and some teaching on how to confront Mind Control meant to program world Leaders

Mind Control Protectoion

This is new Freemason rule and code of construction. Any Freemason not knowing this cannot be a grand master and will lose his Title.

Means of Information war: Mind Control

Means of Information War Threaten Democracy and Mankind
Mojmir Babacek
(edited by John Allman)
Hosted by Spark and  

The Pictures are articles and are very advanced topics in Mind Control some of which are banned to some of mind controllers themselves (I will send more of the blogs on mind control later. has ocean of them you just must dig)

In the report on U.S. military policy by Project for New American Century it is stated: “It is now commonly understood that information and other new technologies … are creating a dynamic that may threaten America’s ability to exercise its dominant military power. Potential rivals, such as China are anxious to exploit those transformational technologies broadly, while adversaries like Iran, Iraq and North Korea are rushing to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons … the effects of information and other advanced technologies promise to revolutionize the nature of conventional armed forces” (ref. 13, pg. 4 and 11). The military concept of information technologies is, though, kept hidden from the world general public.
In February 2000 the Russian daily Segodnya, in the article “Riders of Psychotronic Apocalypse” (1), informed that in 1996 Russian government’s information agency FAPSI warned that the effect of “informational means of war” is comparable to “the effect of use of weapon of mass destruction” and produced a report entitled “Information Weapon as a Threat to National Security of Russia”. In reaction the Russian State Duma and consequently Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States addressed the United Nations, OBSE and European Council with a proposal for an international convention banning the development and use of informational weapons. According to the same newspaper Segodnya in March 1998, the matter was discussed with U.N. secretary general Kofi Anan, and included on the agenda of General Assembly of the U.N. Most probably the USA vetoed this proposal and in consequence the ban of informational weapons was not discussed by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
In the Doctrine of Informational Security of the Russian Federation, signed by president Putin in September 2000, among the dangers threatening the informational security of Russian Federation, is listed “the threat to the constitutional rights and freedoms of people and citizens in the sphere of spiritual life… individual, group and societal consciousness” and “illegal use of special means affecting individual, group and societal consciousness.” (16). Among the major directions of the international cooperation toward the guaranteeing of the information security is listed “the ban of production, dissemination and use of ‘information weapons’.”(17).
Segodnya, in the discussed article, described mostly “mysterious information-psychological” means capable not only of harming human health, but also of blocking human free will at the subconscious level, impairing human beings’ ability of “political, cultural and other self-identification” and even “causing destruction of indivisible informational and spiritual space of the Russian Federation”. According to Russian scientist A. F. Okhatrin, those means are also capable to kill people (2). Underneath the article, Segodnya published a review of weapons affecting human psyche which it obtained from the Russian Department of Defense. Together with ultrasound and microwave weapons, there are listed “psychotronic weapons” which, in addition to having the capability of “transferring information among people”, are able to act on communication and electronic systems (1).
In the Space Preservation Bill proposed by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001, the following technologies enabling access to human brain, human health impairment or killing of people were named: “land-based, sea-based or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management or mind control of such persons or populations” (4). “Psychotronic weapon” listed in the Dennis J. Kucinich’s bill is described as a weapon using “torsion fields” radiation in the book “Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia” (6) by Russian scientist Vladimir Tsygankov and Vladimir Lopatin (a politician, who worked on Committees on Security in Russian Federal Republic, State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States). Among the possible sources of remote influence on human psyche those two authors list “generators of physical fields” of “known as well as unknown nature” (14). It is well known that both KGB and CIA carried out a large-scale research of psychic phenomena in the 70’s of the past century. It is not out of question that their scientists succeeded in discovering the physical basis of those phenomena. Among the known physical concepts non-local electron and photon connection can be used to explain telepathy. The ability of sound and light technologies to influence human psyche is exemplified by Psychowalkman industry. The existence of the electromagnetic mind control technology is confirmed in the Conclusion of the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma [3] and can be deduced from scientific and military literature.
Nerve impulses in the brain are carried by electrical signals triggered by changes in chemical balance. During the fifties and sixties of the past century, it was proved that human nervous system and behavior can be thoroughly controlled by electric signals imported to the brain by tiny electrodes (41). 100 stimulations of one point in the bull’s brain made him 100 times bellow. When a man was asked to straighten his hand the bending of which was stimulated he replied “I think your electricity is stronger then my will.” By means of electrical stimulation of the brain the rhythm of breathing and heart beat [this was even stopped for several pulses] was affected as well as the function of the most of the viscera – alike the secretion of the gall bladder. The stimulation of points in the brain where feelings and emotions reside produced decisions. A passive, depressed woman tore up a piece of paper when her center of anger was stimulated: “I did not control myself. I had to get up and tear”, she commented. An aggressive woman, with the same point stimulated, got up and smashed against the wall the guitar she was playing until the moment of stimulation. The intensity of feelings could be controlled by turning the knob which controlled the intensity of the electric current. When the pleasure center was stimulated women offered marriage to therapists. Stimulation of a point in a monkey’s brain stopped her maternal behavior toward a newborn baby. When the limbic system was stimulated the patient’s vigilance weakened, they lost capacity to think, often they began to undress or grope and when the stimulation stopped they did not remember it. The signals had to be delivered in specific frequencies to produce repetitive action of neurons. Spanish scientist Jose Delgado became world known when he, with the use of this technology, made a bull attack him by pressing one button on the small black box and stopped the bull few feet away from him by pressing another button.
The idea that electric currents in the brain could be induced by electromagnetic energy is an obvious next step in this path of research. The information inside of the brain is processed digitally; in other words analog perceptions are “translated” and transferred by a number and frequency of nerve impulses, while the intensity of the feeling or perception usually corresponds to the intensity of electrical current. Walter J. Freeman, who had been for years measuring the brain activity in reaction to different stimuli by multitudes of microelectrodes, presented already in 1975 a hypothesis “that a novel external stimulus is broadly transmitted from the primary sensory cortex or thalamus to other parts of the cortex… transmission occurs at some characteristic frequency, and…Reception occurs in … sets tuned to that frequency” (37). In other words, when neurons cooperate in the processing of specific information they synchronize their activity and oscillate in the same frequency. In an experiment by Wolf Singer (20) the differences in brain activity in reaction to two different stimuli, presented to the tested subject at the same time, were represented by two different groups of neurons oscillating in different frequencies. In the modern scientific literature synchronization of frequencies of emitted nerve impulses in different parts of the brain as a principle of brain functioning is generally accepted (19). Electroencephalographs have no doubt that those synchronizations appear on the EEG recordings and are already able to “read” in those frequencies the single letters of a word perceived by the tested subject (21). Theoretically this means that the events in the brain can be produced “synthetically” from the outside when additional energy is pumped into the brain in specific frequencies corresponding to specific brain activities. John Marks, in his book on CIA mind control research, quotes one of the CIA research veterans recalling a colleague’s joke: “If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person’s sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast” (22). Since most of the activity of human brain takes place in frequencies from 1 to 100 Hz and electromagnetic waves of this frequency are hundreds and even thousands of miles long, and, for that matter, could not target human brain, scientists started experimenting with pulsed microwaves. There exist “window” frequencies at which microwaves penetrate deep enough into the brain to produce activity of neurons.
The interaction of electromagnetic radiation and chemicals in the brain was demonstrated for example by the experiment where irradiation of rats’ heads by 20 and 40 mW/cm2 microwaves pulsed at 300, 600 and 1000 Hz woke the rats up in 5 minutes from narcosis (23). Electrical signals of neurons in the brain are mediated by chemicals called neurotransmitters. At a conference on “Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine” in 1989 Capt. Paul Tyler, director of the U.S. Navy Electromagnetic Radiation Project between 1970 and 1977, quoted in his lecture the research of Dr. Merrit who measured the decrease of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine when a field of 80 mW/cm2 was applied (24). All those hormones act as neurotransmitters into the cortex. Dopamine influences the ability to learn and other cognitive abilities. Disruption in the biosynthesis or transmission of dopamine can lead to Parkinson’s disease. In another experiment a 500Hz signal produced release of noradrenaline in sympathetical neurons (25). Since those neurons control the muscles of internal organs and noradrenaline acts there as a neurotransmitter, an opposite signal should be able to reduce the activity of internal organs and eventually impair human health. The publication of the World Health Organization on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms from 1981 (25) gives many examples of the effects of microwave radiation on the excretion of glands and chemical composition of blood. Many of those effects could harm human health. Microwave radiation can also affect molecules of DNA and thus affect the development of organisms (25). This was proved by an experiment by Yale neurophysiologist, Jose Delgado, where the irradiation of chicken embryos by 10, 100 and 1000 Hz stopped their development including the development of hearts and veins. The experiment was replicated by the American Navy with the same results. Such attack by microwaves could have, in the long run, disastrous impact on targeted populations.
A a matter of fact microwave radiation can produce many deadly effects. In the experiment by McAffee already mentioned, the microwaves pulsed at 300, 600 and 1000 Hz produced impairment in breathing (leading even to suffocation) in rats. A similar signal could also suffocate human beings. At the conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983 the experiment was presented where blood clots were formed by microwave radiation (26). This capability is also suitable for weaponisation. Similarly dangerous is the finding of Allan Frey that radio frequency radiation can weaken the blood-brain barrier that prevents poisonous chemicals from the access into the brain (30). In 1986 the American Air Force issued a book “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology” (18). The chapter headed “Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict”, was written by Capt. Paul Tyler, who had been the director of the U.S. Navy Electromagnetic Radiation Project from 1970 until 1977. At the beginning of the chapter, Tyler quotes a source entitled “Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000” that had been issued by American Air Force in 1982: “Currently available data allow the projection that specially generated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) fields may pose a powerful and revolutionary antipersonnel military threats … the passage of approximately 100 miliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death … A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area. System effectiveness will be a function of wave form, field intensity, pulse width, repetition frequency, and carrier frequency.”
Where are Mind Control Devices are located? In less draconian assault, the use of microwaves could be limited just to the influence of human behavior. In 1985 Kathleen McAuliffe visited Jose Delgado in his laboratory in Spain, where he experimented with electromagnetic stimulation of brain. She subsequently wrote an article for the magazine OMNI (27). Jose Delgado showed her how he could make an ape fall asleep, or make it overactive, or how he could calm down fighting fish using suitably modulated microwave radiation. The next series of experiments shows that human behavior can be controlled in even more intricate ways. In 1962 Allan H. Frey published in the “Journal of Applied Physiology” (28) the results of experimentation with transmission of sounds into the brain by electromagnetic radiation at a distance of up to 1000 feet. The “electromagnetic” sounds were heard by deaf as well as hearing people. In his report, Frey writes that, by then, only the visual system had been shown to respond to electromagnetic energy and he noted that, “With somewhat different transmission parameters we can induce the perception of severe buffeting of the head..” and “Changing … parameters again, one can induce a ‘pins-and-needles’ sensation.” Frey’s experiment was replicated several times by other scientists (28). Another, more advanced experiment that also involved the transmission of radio modulated with audible sounds into the brain, was published only inadvertently, when Don R. Justesen used, in the article on “Microwaves and Behavior” (29), the result of an experiment described to him over the telephone conversation by his colleague J. C. Sharp, who worked on a secret military project Pandora. Joseph C. Sharp at the Walter Reed Army Institute improved the method of Frey to the point that he was able to transmit into the experimental subject’s brain words which he could understand. The ability of U.S. military to produce perception of speech in humans by microwave radiation substantiates the article by Sharon Weinberger, “Mind Games”, which was published in The Washington Post in January 2007. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for the article the Air Force released “records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects” The article also states that “the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials” (31). Robert Becker, who was twice nominated for Nobel price for his share in the discovery of the effects of pulsed fields at the healing of broken bones, wrote about the experiment by J. F. Schapitz, who stated: “In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain – i. e. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.” In one of the four experiments subjects were given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to technical ones. Later, not knowing they were being irradiated, they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for some of their correct answers, and memory falsification for other correct answers. After 2 weeks they had to pass the test again (30). The results of those experiments were never published. Apparently in those experiments the messages were sent into human brain in ultrasound frequencies which the human brain perceives, but of which the subject is unaware. According to Russian newspapers, in this way, people may be programmed to perform different actions in the same way people can be programmed under hypnosis. The use of this method was questioned in the Russian press when general Lev Rokhlin was killed by his wife in his sleep at 2 a.m. after she had had a casual telephone conversation with a female friend. Did her friend use a sequence of words which were supposed to trigger the murderous action? Before his murder General Rokhlin planned for army protests against army reform and visited editor’s desks of Russian newspapers, telling them he might be soon killed in a car accident, during a drinking spree or during an argument with his wife (42). Psychotronics Article Packagw
In his book “Cross Currents” Robert Becker presents the report coming from the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute, where J.C. Sharp carried out his experiment with the transmission of words into the brain by radiofrequency radiation. The report deals with the effects of pulsed microwaves on the nervous system and describes the division of testing program into four parts: 1) prompt debilitating effects; 2) prompt stimulation auditory effects; 3) work interference (stoppage) effects; 4) effects on stimulus controlled behavior. The report presents this conclusion: “Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation unrelated to heat” (32).
In the second volume of the Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Sysmes of the American Air Force it is stated: “While initial attention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic filed effects, subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied fields…” (33). In the second volume of the report the research was evaluated as “progressing according to the schedule or in advance” and was supposed to be terminated in 2010.
In the Soviet Russia the ongoing research in this area was completely hidden from the public, but change of political system and actual use of this equipment during the putsch against Gorbachov brought this subject to newspapers headlines. According to Russian daily newspapers, during the failed coup d’etat against Gorbachov, General Kobets warned the defenders of the Russian White House that mind control technology could be used against them. After the putsch, respected Russian scientist Victor Sedlecki published a statement in the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda that psychotronic biogenerators were mass produced in the Soviet Union and were used during the failed coup d’etat [7], but failed to succeed due to the inexperience of the personel who operated them. In the following spree of articles on the subject of mind control, the experiment was published where manipulation of masses of people by microwave radiation was performed. Already in 1974, after successful testing on a military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves. Apparently, in 1974, the entire military unit was put to sleep (5).
In the book “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology” (18), Captain Tyler also wrote: “Because of the many parameters involved and the apparent specificity of each parameter, one can tailor a specific response. The ability to have this kind of flexibility provides an enormous range of options to the user. It opens the door for providing an appropriate response in warfare, be it conventional or unconventional” (18). If you object that the range of frequencies in which the human nervous system works is too narrow to provide for such a wide choice of reactions, Capt. Tyler writes: “There are unconfirmed reports that change of 0.01 Hz can make a difference.” Since many activities of human brain are represented by different sequences of frequencies, this provides for further large choices.
At the end of 1994 the first tests of the most powerful radar system in the world were carried out in Alaska. This year its power should reach 10 billion watts and later 100 billion watts. The main features of the system include its ability to heat the ionosphere and in this way change the altitude of the ionosphere. By this kind of manipulation of the ionosphere, it is possible to bounce the electromagnetic waves back from the ionosphere to whichever region of the planet one wishes to target. According to the official information by the U.S. government the system HAARP is designed for scientific research. However, there are too many facts suggesting that the major reason for its construction are military purposes. The main patent of Bernard J. Eastlund (number 4,686,605) proposes the use of the system for destruction of navigation systems of airplanes and missiles wherever in the atmosphere they might be, and for interference with all communication systems anywhere on the planet, and the global weather control. Other patents connected with the system propose the use of the system for induction of detonations in the extent of nuclear explosions and other military uses (33).
Combination Waves for Achieving synthetic feeling Evidently, the warning of Russian intelligence agency FAPSI to the Russian government and the article in the Russian daily “Segodnya” were amongst the reactions to the installation of the U.S. system HAARP. The HAARP system can pulse microwave radiation beginning from one thousandth of one Hertz and, in this case, there is hardly and doubt that it can change pulses of microwave radiation by 1 thousandth of Hertz, as well in frequencies from 1 to 100 Hertz which are crucial for the functioning of human nervous system. In June 1995, Michael Persinger, who apparently worked on the American Navy’s project of non-lethal electromagnetic weapons “Sleeping Beauty”, published, in a scientific magazine Perception and Motor Skills the article where he states: “the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species without mediation through classical sensory modalities by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed… is now marginally feasible” (34). John B. Alexander, who later became the Director of Non-lethal Programs in Los Alamos National Laboratory, wrote in his article in the Military Review in the year 1980: “whoever makes the first major breakthrough in this field will have a quantum lead over his opponent, an advantage similar to sole possession of nuclear weapons” (35). Samuel Koslov, a leading personality of the Pandora project that was dedicated to research of effects of microwave radiation on humans, and a researcher at the John Hopkins University, in his closing speech at the conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1984, said that the conference had proven that the external electric fields can “become a key to the cellular control console. The implications, social, economic, and even military are enormous.” Koslov went on: “If much of what we have heard is indeed correct, it may be not less significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated. You may recall the famous letter of Albert Einstein to President Roosevelt. When we’re in a position to do so in terms of our proofs, I would propose that an analogous letter is required” (26). It is this perspective, of the revolutionary nature of these scientific developments, that gives us the title, “Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War”, of a book published by the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College in 1994 (36). Since the national security information is in question, the book cannot tell the readers what technology exactly is making this revolution feasible. From the beginning the authors were aware that the use of this technology may run counter to basic moral and political values of the American society, and in consequence the revolution in military affairs would require a moral and political revolution to come first: “In the pre-RMA days, psychological operations and psychological warfare were primitive. As they advanced into the electronic and bioelectronics era, it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic… Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic “consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed.” Since it is difficult for them to imagine that the American society would accept the ethical and political revolution that would deprive the citizen of his privacy, they develop a scenario of events which would lead the American political leaders to back this revolution. The scenario is placed into the year 2000, and is based on the situation of growing terrorism, drug trafficking and criminality. In the document Rebuilding Americas Defenses, backed by the past U.S. government, we read: “To preserve American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense must … seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs … Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor” (ref. 13, pg. 51). Was it by accident that in 2001 a massive terrorist attack occurred in the USA facilitated by questionable work of U.S. intelligence services and followed by anthrax attacks where the only indicted scientist, Bruce Ivins, did not have the technical means and scientific knowledge to turn the anthrax spores into a deadly aerosol which was used and that those two attacks were followed by an assault on privacy of U.S. Citizens and international law? The scenario goes on: “The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs) in conflict short of war … As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the ‘warfighter’ mentality became irrelevant.” So the psychotechnology, which formed the core of the RMA, provided new methods for influencing the psyche of the adversary, in place of the classical strategy to make him fear his death. The book goes on: “Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each. There is also potential for defensive psychotechnology such as ‘strategic personality simulations’ to aid national security decision makers.” (See Norman D. Livergood and Stephen D. Williams, “Strategic Personality Simulation: A New Strategic Concept”, unpublished draft paper, Carlisle Barracks, PAK: U.S. Army War College, 1994). Human behavior and thinking is substantially controlled by emotions. If simulated emotions are broadcasted into somebody’s nervous system they will orient his thinking and behavior. Thoughts are another organizer of human behavior and personal thoughts can be overridden by ultrasound messages. In other words if there was, for example, a new Jesus Christ, U.S. agencies would simply engineer his personality to make sure he would not introduce any cultural changes. Once the strategy of computerized personality simulation is applied, the unfolding of human history will be totally controlled by elites having exclusive access to those technologies. The conclusion of the authors was: “Whether we opt for revolution or evolution, change will occur.” The concept of the “strategic personality stimulation” is probably tested on some of the people in the USA who claim to be mind control experiments victims, whose number, rapidly growing after 9/11 attacks, inspired the article in Washington Post, entitled “Mind Games” (31) in 2007. Cheryl Welsh, the director of the American organization Mind Justice (38) claims that she has received over 2500 complaints from U.S. citizens and the Internet group exchanging messages on this subject ( has over 3000 subscribers. Though some of those people may be mentally ill, many of them defend themselves in a rational way that suggests that they may be mentally sound. A similar situation obtains in Russia. Russian politician Vladimir Lopatin admitted nonconsensual human-subject experiments had been conducted in Russia, when he wrote in the quoted book: “Compensation of damages and losses connected with social rehabilitation of persons suffering from destructive informational influence must be realized in legal trial…” (14). Growing numbers of complaints are coming as well from China and Japan (over 200). The European Parliament reacted to the installation of HAARP system by calling for “an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings” (15, Paragraph 27). The body of the European Parliament STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment) in the document “Crowd Control Technologies” (40) informed this resolution, originally proposed drafting of Paragraph 27 to say that the parliament called for “an international convention for a global ban on all research and development … which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable the manipulation of human beings, including a ban of any actual or possible deployment of such systems”. US Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich, the author of a Bill introduced into the US Congress in October 2001 proposing a ban on the deployment of “mind control” weapons, was quoted to assert that those weapons actually exist and “those people who control them are deadly serious and intend to use them, if we don’t stop the weaponisation of space” (10). Humanity Today Magazine
Electromagnetic technology enabling remote control of the functioning of human organism is subjected to National Security Information law in the USA (8) and all technologies enabling access to human brain are subject to the same law in the Russian Federation (9). Under such conditions, the mass media cannot fully disclose the existence and capacities of those technologies and world public cannot be engaged in favour of a ban on the use of such capabilities. The ownership of those capabilities gives opportunity to governments to use them against individuals (and eventually against masses), without giving them any access to any legal remedy. The concept of the world respecting freedom and human rights is fundamentally corrupted in this way. In November 2000 the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma stated that capabilities enabling remote control of human nervous system or the remote infliction of health impairment are available to many modern governments (3). This was confirmed by the article from the U.S. army weekly Defense News stating that mind control technologies were used by the Israelis against the Palestinians (12).
Evidently the secret arms race among the world governments may continue until the information war actually breaks out. V. Lopatin, in the book “Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia”, stated that psychotronic war is, as a matter of fact, “already taking place without declaration of war”. In this way the human world may sink into some kind of virtual reality where the independence of human thinking, feeling and decision making will be destroyed as a part of an “information war” or, in the worst case, into the reality where large masses of people will be killed, and unlike the aftermath of the deployment of nuclear weapons, the planet will still remain inhabitable for the survivors.
With emerging energetic and climate crises and a presently-growing global economic crisis, either the next world war could erupt, or the means of remote manipulation of human brains and organisms could be applied to control dissatisfied citizens. In the conclusion of the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma it is stated: “Phone lines, heating and sewer pipes, TVs, fire signalization can be used as transmitting antennas” (3). Our elected democratic representatives are responsible for foreseeing the emerging crises and preventing them from happening by appropriate measures. However, they do not have mandate from citizens to allow those crises to happen, in order to create opportunities for them to experiment with attempts to solve the problems by use of technologies that allow them to manipulate their citizens’ minds. If this technology is once used against citizens it is questionable whether true democracy will ever be restored. The countries with the most advanced military technologies include the USA, which has never proposed any international initiative aimed at securing the ban of technologies enabling the remote control of human beings. According to the study “Crowd Control Technologies” published by the European Parliament’s STOA office, the USA are the major promoter of the use of those arms. (In fact, it was principally the efforts of the USA government to persuade this outcome that ensured the inclusion in NATO military doctrine of non-lethal technology.) The STOA states: “In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals”; and “In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included… directed energy systems” and “radio frequency weapons” (40).
My Page According to the Russian government intelligence agency FAPSI, in the last 15 years, the U.S. expenses on the development and acquisition of the means of informational war grew four times and at the present time they occupy the first place among all military programs (17),(3). Though there are concepts of informational warfare other than the remote control of human beings, the unwillingness of the USA to engage in the negotiations aimed at the ban of the manipulation of human brains suggests an intention to use those means in internal as well as in international affairs. If the USA achieve essential military preeminence in this area and if no global ban of the use of those technologies against civilians is negotiated, the USA may become a world totalitarian superpower of the new type. So far the only government who made a small step toward the ban of those technologies is the Russian Federation where the addendum to the article 6 of the Russian Federation law “On Weapons” was approved on July 26, 2001. The legislation states: “within the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited the circulation of weapons and other objects … the effects of the operation of which are based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infra-sonic or ultra-sonic radiations…”. Besides omitting the use of the term “psychotronic energy” that both Lopatin and Kucinich used, the Russian legislation does not provide any means for Russian citizens to defend themselves against the use of those weapons. Nor is there any compulsion upon the police or public health organizations to set up teams capable of detecting radiation that was enabling remote manipulation of human body and nervous system, or the source of such radiation. Nor does this legislation prohibit Russian government agencies from the use of such technology against their own citizens. In the USA alone, some of the federal states have enacted in their laws on firearms, new standards on electric and electromagnetic weapons (Michigan in 2003, Massachusetts in 2004, Maine in 2005). Sanctions go from 15 years in jail to life imprisonment, identically with weapons of mass destruction. As in Russia, those laws do not provide for the defense of citizens against the use of those weapons by government agencies. On February 25, 2009 Deputy Chief of General Staff of Russian Army, Anatoli Nogovicyn, stated that within 2 or 3 years a full-fledged war in informational sphere, including “information-psychological influence on population and military units” may break out (39). So far politicians (especially in the USA) have not shown responsible intention to take action to stop this new arms race, which threatens to place human beings in a position subsidiary to machines and to destroy democracy. Humanitarian organizations apparently do not dare to challenge this National Security Information (on several occasions Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have refused to engage with this issue). Under such circumstances, it is left to citizens themselves to organize defense of their freedoms and elementary human rights, before those technologies are used, either at war or to suppress their dissatisfaction with governments who failed to prevent the emerging crises. They should coordinate their efforts internationally if they want to succeed. MC
1) – Russian original – “Riders of Psychotronic”, concise English translation of “Riders of Psychotronic Apocalypse” at –
3) see Russian original “Dokument” –, translation “State Duma” -
Means of Information War Threaten Democracy and Mankind 9) – Russian original: “Secret Weapon in Action” – concise translation “Secret Superweapon in Action”:
10) see the article from Berkeley Daily Planet”
13) , pg. 4
14) pg. 36, or concise English translation of the book Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia” at
15) Resolution on the environment, security and foreign policy
18) Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, ed. Lt.Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, june 1986 (on Internet the site exists, but can not be found)
19) Francis H. Crick: The Astonishing Hypothesis. The Scientific Search for the
Soul, Simon and Schuster, London, 1994, U.K.
20) Wolf Singer: The Formation of Representations in the Cerebral Cortex, 1992, Editor: Arzneimittelinformation/Medizinische redaktion, Schering, Germany, ISSN 0940-9300
21) Journal of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, supplement no. 45, 1996, “Continuous Wave-Form Analysis”, page 64
23) James C. Lin: Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, Charles C. Thomas publisher, Springfield, Illinois, USA, ISBN 0-398-03704-3, (experiments by McAffee conducted in 1961, 1962 and 1970)
24) Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine, 1990, conference proceedings
25) Critere d’hygiene de l’environment, frequence radioelectric et
hyperfrequences, World Health Organization, Geneve, Switzerland, 1981
26) Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems, ed. Ross Adey, proceedings of the conference, Plenum Press, New York, London, 1984
27) magazine OMNI, February 1985, Kathleen McAuliffe “The Mind Fields”
28) Allan H. Frey, 1962, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated
Electromagnetic Energy, Journal of Aplied Physiology, 17/4, pg. 689 692 –
E..M. Taylor. B-. Ashelman, 1974, Analysis of Central Nervous System
Involvment in Microwave Auditory Effects, Brain research, vol. 74, pg. 201 -206
J.L. Flanagan, 1961, Audibility of Periodic Pulses and a Model for the Threshold, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, vol. 33 (11), pg. 1540 49 K.R. Foster, E.D. Finch, 1974, Microwave Hearing: evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves, Science, vol. 185, pg. 256 -258
P.O. Box 393, Anchorage, Alaska99520, USA
(on Internet you will find the reference to the “Final Report…” but the site can not be found)
29) Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, pg. 391
30) Dr. Robert Becker: Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of
Life, William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985
32) Robert Becker: Cross Currents, The Startling Effects of Electromagnetic
Radiation on Your Health, 1991, Bloomsberry Publishing, London, Great Brittain, ISBN 0-7475-0761-9
34) M.A. Persinger: On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human brain
by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms, Perception and Motor Skills, june 1995, vol. 80, pg. 791 -799 –
35) John B. Alexander: The New Mental Battelfield: Beam me up Spock, Military
Review, Dec. 1980
36) Steven Metz, James Kievit, “The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict
Short of War, U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle
Barracks, PA 17013-5050
37) Mlada Fronta Dnes, March 28, 1997 (the Czech newspaper)
On Turkish gold trader who is accused of helping Iran evade sanctions and trade oil for gold. The Individual of interest Zarrab was at US court recently and some events have played out pointing at US mind control of Zarrab. He came out and said:” He did the illegal exchange under directive and authorization of Erdogan.” That is clear case of mind control when he says that, The mind control of America is still focused on overthrowing Erdogan. They are trying to manufacture evidence and wrongdoing to pressure Turkish young and independent government and change him. They tried in Gizli park and since I confronted that test for popular uprising it was canceled, then they tried to repeat that in 2016 during midnight coup they carried in silence and sought to take over his government. That night I remember I was awake and someone distorted my intelligence sharing into directive giving but they were unaware that Iranian spy agency are also watching that also mind control light. So the coup was prevented and the case was finished. It was sufficient to kick US military out of air base in Turkey for US government trying to do. They should not have an air base on mediterranean coast line ever again. I have since mind control engineering events to cause division between Turkey and Russia. As mind control carried out assassination of Russian Diplomatic figure in Turkey and mind control did the same against NATO figure. I also have seen conflicting behaviors by Erdogan that shows mind control competitions exists to take control of Erdogan.
More recent case when I witnessed that America is involved in direct sabotage of Turkey was when value of Turkish Lira was dropped in comparison to dollar. Many people may see that as simple economic function but it has nothing to do with economy or actual material and industrial reserves of a nation. These are all mind control operations that orchestrate that. As I have told you Iranian Royal Riyal backs all of world currencies. The ability USA received to publish dollar bill and use it for development of western Nations was due to Iranian Riyal backing of dollar. See the money is irrelevant for a Nation actor and you should never calculate your output and development capabilities on existence of capital to do so when you are a national actor doing so. You can just build factories infrastructures and other means of development without using capital to do that. You produce currency for payment of workers and you have government owned sectors providing the needed supply to be traded for the money you publish and if someone wants to exchange it to currency it should be only done at government offices. Thus instead of using Capital to build you produce capital and infrastructures. so He did America got the backing of Riyal? Iran was extremely damaged by world war. So Riyal became 2 me and you Toman because Harry Truman dropped nuclear bomb on Iran. Truman and Toman. That is hy it is called Dollar because it is folded to 2 Do is two and la means fold and Toman To mean Two or 2 or also you thus that means both are mine yours and mine. So who am I? I am King of Iran. Iran mean earth and that is also mine. I am Makan. So hurry or harry truman, Hurry I found the true man or I have Toman? Story of two men Roosevelt and Truman. What happened to King of Iran. Reza shah was nothing and there was a King of Iran what happened. That was my grand grand parent that is not all of my Royal bloodline. I got also the the Turkish one and that is not even end of bloodlines in house of mine in Iran. So anyway America has started to use its borrowed levers of crimes using them against turkey and rest of mine. I have to deal with you for fucking with all that is mine and my experience of life is just one and your Printed Napkins dollar can be blown. Replaced by Iran Toman for Global exchange. I don’t want to see you targeting my Turkey because I used Spaniard gold coins in my reserve to back Euro at time of Catalan, You remember you were going after Spain as Americans? Yeah that one. Now that is that I need distance between America ad Turkey until I can protect all that is mine from American mind control crime.

Currently all of earth population are mind controlled. Mind control happens due to effect of magnetic waves on brain which causes electric activity mimicing nerval activity of brain thus producing thought or feelings.
The thought and feeling apear as normal to us as we thought them ourselves. Also we cannot think about anything else because thee magnetic waves oducing electric avtivity stronger than our natural brain activity. They also disturb communication between different parts of our brain thus other signal are not sensed.
They also force our concesnious to focus on a specific thing and thus we are only concsious of senses they want us to be conscious of. It is not new and even decades ago they were mind controling important people and world leader. As computers became stronger they ability to mind control people without human input increased. Now there are softwares doing much of the works and softwares generate the mind control behavior for whole week or whole day in advance and everyone obeys the mind control. Every variation is another mind control inserting itself in the process and my experience has shown from the past the insertion of new mind control is evil and harms my experience of life. Sometimes it helps with my struggle and sometime is corruption in my work.
Electromagneetic waves of invisible light can be used to activate dendrite of nerve sells and thus cause specific physical or nerve activity in body. They can force nerves to send signals and use the signal meant for eyes to force someone to shed tears. They can also cotract muscles and so on. They engineer every action to smallest detail of every member of human family. They are enemies of Islam by all means and they corrupt, kill, and annhilate Muslims upon having smallest chance. Muslim world and governments have also weakened and world entering an era which may see second largest genocide in history of mankind. The worst genocide was post world war 2 by America using weather warfare. The first great genocide was also against majority muslim people. The second genocide was also world war 2 against Muslims and Jewish people.
Anyway, mind cintrol’s infrastructure is placed into the walls, foundation of building, roof, cellphones, laptops, and even inside the sit of cars. The process is automated with auto tracking, auto targeting, and auto calculation. Even the mind control regiment is auto generated by softwares. Softwares calculate the type of feeling orr action and translate it from software to communication. Then communication reaches the local infrastructure. Local infrastructure calculate type of waves and direction and shape of magnetic and electro magnetic waves. Then it is sent to head and it turns to electric activity of nerve cells and thus to feeling, thought, and action. Then it makes our routines and they consider us soulless. This is all of us. We experience every moment of it and it is our life experience, our knowledge which we know, and our world. But there is a software and mind controllers only concern themselves to be involved with people like me in a live mind control war of sort seeking control over me for ttheir mind control interest. It is a constant battle between them here. Did you see Trump was more reperesentable this time at England during meeting with Theresa May? It was because that guy , Trump, was in a suburban 400 years old mansion where only uncle sam was mind controlling him but when he is in other places there are lots of people who can influence it. I wish instead of mind controlling other becoming enterprise for control of others the knowledge was used to start businesses to sell equipment and shielding (faraday cage) to protect people from mind control. We still will need mind control for the light side (gray) because we cannot allow the world be controlled by the dark. (I dont mind control I am victim but they like to talk as me.) Anyway,, we can even use mind control to make people go and buy these products and defend themselves. We can also educate people. Ooh I can order mind control bases so we do this we build perfect product and sell it globally for protection. Make packaging attractive and having deffense as cool. Then alsos I need you guys to mind control people and educate them. Uncle Sam:”America mind controls everyone.” Uncle Sam:” I wanted to say something else they are changing my word too. Anyway it is going to be something of beauty.” Makan:”Stop it he wanted to say… I forgot too.” Makan:” Oh it was this they can come and mind control people thus brainwashing them to reject mind control even after I teach them mind control is real and thye believe it.”
#Trump #Britain #UK #Mind #Control #CIA #Classified #Electromagnetic #WorldCup #Soccer #Footbal #FIFA #Russia #Speech #MakanAbazari #The #King

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Why everyone thinks Mind Control happens subliminally? It is because people are mind controlled from birth. They don’t know what is normal thought and what is suggestion with electromagnetic waves and magnetic pulse effect. Since they are experiencing it every minute of the waking moment and dreams. Also it is not subliminal once it is used aggressively and thus they conceal it in annoying sound that is heard at exact moment Electro Magnetic signals reach our brain, so we think noise distracted us or what you heard angered you. But it is just cover up when they need to fight you so hard to influence events, example American democratic process in which we have world war of mind control and information war every 4 years. I personally am totally conscious of each thought sent to me and know it is communicated but I don’t need to be conscious of that aspect and are many times were I am focus on content or just trying to focus on something else. And they can be shielded from although some of lasers and beams are difficult to be shielded from as number of photons hitting shielding surpasses conductive capacity of shield when it is transmitted so intense that it start reradiating some of the beam from shielding toward targeted individual inside. Just because the energy saturation due to photons can not be earthed as fast due to material or thickness lacking of shield. All you need is a faraday cage, preferably double layers and rough surface thick enough.
How can one protect himself from mind control waves?
The first and most important one is having conductive matter like Aluminium, copper, or gold. You will build a impenetrable fully covered with no holes. You don’t want small openness caused wave to come inside the shileded room. Then you need to connect that to underground by a thick wire (about 5 meter deep) and attach that to a plate to deplete electric current produced due to change of magnetic to electric energy. Because if your shield become saturated it will reradiate it.
Now more advanced material for experts. But there is one important point here. The activities that have magnetic field such as electric current and thought proccessis will leave trace on the shielding of yours. That can be picked up by signal intelligence gathering tools. At times it can be translated and make the enemy capable of spying on you or even formulating a function of saturation, reflection, and penetration to hit you, specially if there is a hole in the shield or when it is not thick enough of a shield. Once the magnetic field hits the shield it gets tranformed into electric current and with advance signal intelligence measurement you can read this with dificulties to a certain extend thus spying on events inside. It depends on lots of things. so for example your computer and your brain will leave a trace momentarily on shielding as a discharging current get absorbed into earth at 2/3 of speed of light. So with advanced capabilities you can spy on that. Thus a thick or one layered shield will not be enough and useful in case of high energy attomic beams that can pentrate it since rate at which the beem hits the shielding is higher than rate which electric current can be discharged. meaning if the wave, beam, or pulse has high energy and is absorbed by shield still very high energy per second beam will saturate and rerediate it as rate of incoming beam is higher the conductive matter current discharge capacity. Anyway let us go back to spying part for CIA, So for isolating the waves and to prevent spying, extreemly classified. For preventing spying you can produce rough surfaces of shielding. So that way if they get saturated and rerediation occure its direction will be distorted making it difficult to put together but still possible to translate. It is very difficult to calculate, specially for mind control and spying. Since they already using all of metalic part of our sourounding for reflection direction measurement and calculation of the waves. Meaning, they employ infrastructure metalic material for wave reflection and have that calculation automated and modulated thus they activly employing. So by rough surface that scaters or interupts the path of rays you can interupt direction of post saturation rereflection thus making it harder to put together. It is very difficult to calculate. the two layered shield seperated by large enough distance of not conductive matter of varrying penterability will be best but it should be far apart enough so it will not act as capilitator . This is good for anti spying and delay tactics. If they install new devices right next to your shield they eventually will calculate and do it through that of shielding also. If you have two seperate flat surface seperated you can perevent CIA level from Spying. But USA military signal intelligence that has integrated tools to easily spy on common faraday cages that lack sufficient defense that does that without military knowing exactly what is going on and That is that. Also the rough surface with mechanism that changes the shape of surface overtime directed by varring sequences and algorithms unknown by outside will secure beyond levels known to Makan Abazari for spying purposes but harmful rays and beams can still get to you depends on multiple things some of which was mention above. For example if there is such high energy beam that would cause nuclear reactor meltdown. Quran has a part about Steel. what about it? Two elements better than one, I actualy don’t know. Remember the brain is electromagnetic machine and produces magnetic waves. Yes our nerves work with sending electric signals. If you can reproduce those signals you can put a thought in the head.
Now some of neurons and transmitted feeling and senses are sensed by sonic, ultra, and super sonice waves and their effects on dendrites. Unlike electromagnetic and magnetic that effect post dendrites in nerve cells.. Those waves need different material and compositions I am not aware of and you can find on internet.. But if you are bothered by sound torture your primary problem is electromagnetic since the electromagnetic waves are coupled by sound reaching you at same time. Electromagnetic wave annoys but since you don’t se that and are not conscious of electromagnetic wave and its peresence you assume it is sonice. Thus they decieve you into believing sound caused the annoyance, distraction, or what ever you felt and did afterward. they are changing your brain activity to find it as distracting, disturbing, or angering. But there are certain senses like push, pull, and touch they can produce with such sonice and magnetic pulses and waves. Mind control: Hey Makan if you shut up I make your Penice Spongaes to be filled with blood and your cock get real hard, and all of that Makan: shut up. Mind control: Let us both shut up. Makan: There is a problem I don’t understand. Example, we have a device made in Russia or by Taliban as road side bomb. If we know its data on signal intelligence collection device and computers we can scan the weapon or machinery that contains them and identify he device that uses them. Uncle Sam: Ok. Makan: How we can scan that pentrating the conductive matter above them, between that, all around and below that. Uncle Sam: Because you know how the signal intelligence changes by passing through that. Makan: Yes but you are trying to make them belive my Farraday cage doesn’t work. Uncle Sam: Now it where you shall not talk. But it work in most cases. Depends when we can scan the light from billions of light years away and measure subatomic particles in swirl of hot goases as the reflect and redirect, change effect we quickly solve the issue with rough surface of the shilded wall but our bastard who can not read thoughts will have hard time to solve this and pass these as they like to be as ours but they never be for this candle has been mixed with the smoke of the lamp. My boy Makan is from the Nexus the original area 51. His grand father was Manhattan and his grand mother was air and space and even Makan has been tortured by mind control bastards.
So Farraday cage, is good enough. What about defending a city or a neighborhood from hostile such waves? in addition to Faraday cage we need electromagnetic jammers, but they have started communicating their messages around send frequency as cell phones and TV waves to pack that into secure frequency we should have not used. Now there is million frequencies to deliver that and they can change their communications with devices. They can use each other devices and infrastructure also by hijacking that. The other medhanism to do all of that is communicating with fiber optics, land lines, and even sometimes with Alternating DC. But that DC one is not as you may imagine unless you have stablizer of current and then you have frequency moderator for electric current and lots of that to communicate. But again when we have Radio transmittors, anthena, and even excluding Sattlites just towers communicating our waves? Why we need sattlites? I can send signal from an anthena and enteputor of codings to another frequency and pattern down FM signals separated every few blocks. Or I can use a cellphone Sim Card inside the constructed house and use steel bones of that house as Anthena for it. So jammers but there are still underground and above ground wires. Corprates, Privates, and fuck accountability of states. But we need American airforce and bases to hide and defend. So if you can expand as mind control power over all of earth. Mind control: We already did that. That is all that
Makan Abazari: you can also use lasers, electro magnetic pulse, and high energy beams to destroy their mind control local infrastructures that are wiered to location and concealed inside walls. We can find them with technology available in America within the field signal intelligence categories. Now I don’t know terminologies but I know mechanisms. So we can find them with signal intelligence gathering by scaning a location and use directed energy and EMP to destroy their local assets or melt them. Since same technology can be used to destroy electronics and can be used to destroy their electronic infrastructures. Also can be used to kill people, make them unconscious or control their thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. That is why you may not believe.



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