
Showing posts from March, 2020

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

Live videos of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Deal to sell 50 billion passenger and cargo planes

Russia should have not sent a Russian Cargo Military planes to USA to deliver Aid. Because now America can use electromagnetic waves to analyze material it is made of, its electronics, the design, the system of the full air plane, and then America can use them to simulate their full design and how they operate in the Air so America can reverse engineer them. This is very easy using electromagnetic waves and we can do it to any air plane, tank, car, and technology then we use artificial intelligence to simulate the full craft. Then the artificial intelligence will design full manufacturing process and even artificial intelligence designs all the steps of part manufacturing, material metallurgy, and industrial supply chain used in order to manufacture air plane we scan by Electromagnetic waves. Russia should have not sent Russian Military plane to deliver aid to combat Coronavirus in USA. But it shows to America how honest Russia is in its purpose to combat Coronavirus and help America.

Command center in Iran for protection of all of global systems

I want to make a system in Iran to be command center of mind control systems tasked with protection of my ,Makan Abazari, systems all around the world both inside and outside of mind control who help me with my projects. I want this by having the new system headquartered in Iran acting as central command for defense of my systems and combined forces all around the world. They will do so by organizing response, defense, and gathering intelligence from every mind control project I have all around the world. This mind control command center in Iran must be Iranian mind controllers in Iran who forever will be tasked with protection of Iran, Iranian people, and protection of my mind control systems, teams, and projects all around the world. So all mind controls who are tasked with doing my projects, are my systems, or are cooperating with my systems will send the data and intelligence to Iran. Then those who have capability to defend my systems and consider themselves as part of my system w

Command center in Iran for Protection of Makan Abazari’s Systems

I want to make a system in Iran to be command center of mind control systems tasked with protection of my ,Makan Abazari, systems all around the world both inside and outside of mind control who help me with my projects. I want this by having the new system headquartered in Iran acting as central command for defense of my systems and combined forces all around the world. They will do so by organizing response, defense, and gathering intelligence from every mind control project I have all around the world. This mind control command center in Iran must be Iranian mind controllers in Iran who forever will be tasked with protection of Iran, Iranian people, and protection of my mind control systems, teams, and projects all around the world. So all mind controls who are tasked with doing my projects, are my systems, or are cooperating with my systems will send the data and intelligence to Iran. Then those who have capability to defend my systems and consider themselves as part of my system w

Improve weather system of Iran in safe manner

Now improve the weather system of Iran in safe manner having rain to fall enough to feel up deserts in Iran by water turning them to lakes, marshes, and reservoirs. Do this in a safe manner without destroying cities, towns, factories, and mind control bases in the path of rivers, in deserts, and in low laying areas in Iran. Give mind control and people heads up concerning changes in the weather systems in advance so they can plan accordingly and move their towns, cities, houses, Mind control facilities, and factories to safe location while having enough time to do it securely in Iran. Do this in long window of time and do it over time without causing too much rain in one season in Iran. Make sure the environment, weather system, and raining pattern stays as such for 2000 years meaning it rains enough without destroying things I mentioned in Iran. Plant trees in Iran according advance algorithms we had and we have which will plant trees with varying distance from each other making it be

West Iran and East China Central Earth

Make new metropolitans, industrial, manufacturing centers, and economic developments in West China, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and East of Iran. I want to make a continuous system of metropolitans, rails ways, infrastructures, industrial systems, industrial supply chains, food productions, and facilities in central regions of Asia from West China to East Iran. American has fired these regions by weather warfare to create layers of dry regions as separation barriers between East China and West Iran.  It is sparsely populated for thousands of miles due to deserts. America wants to maintain its superiority by creating deserts from North Africa to West Iran and from West Iran to East China. America only has East China and West Europe green enough to feed people and provide enough drinking water. The economic, industrial, and manufacturing activities had been limited to German, Japan, France, Britain, and East China. Now we want to fix the ecosystem in Central Asia regions includi

Patriot Missile Systems in Iraq

America must hand over control of Iraq Radar system and anti Air system to Government of Iraq. USA military controls Radar System over Iraq and America refused to hand over control of Iraq Air Space to Iran or Iraq after I ordered America to hand over the control to Iran. Now America must hand over control of Radar System over Iraq to government of Iraq. Furthermore America has moved patriot anti air missile batteries to Iraq and it is unacceptable. Not only America must move patriot anti air missile batteries out of Iraq but also America must hand control of Radar System of Iraq to Iran or Iraq. #Iraq #Iran #USA if you don’t hand over control of Radar System to Iran and if you don’t remove Patriot anti air missile batteries out of Iraq then I attack USA Military bases by Bozmache and I will kill USA navy ships. Patriot is world most dangerous nuclear launch system. It is unacceptable that America is inching forward toward Iran and Russia by Patriot Nuclear Launch systems. I can still

Radar System of Iraq and Patriot missile battery

America must hand over control of Iraq Radar system and anti Air system to Government of Iraq. USA military controls Radar System over Iraq and America refused to hand over control of Iraq Air Space to Iran or Iraq after I ordered America to hand over the control to Iran. Now America must hand over control of Radar System over Iraq to government of Iraq. Furthermore America has moved patriot anti air missile batteries to Iraq and it is unacceptable. Not only America must move patriot anti air missile batteries out of Iraq but also America must hand control of Radar System of Iraq to Iran or Iraq. #Iraq #Iran #USA if you don’t hand over control of Radar System to Iran and if you don’t remove Patriot anti air missile batteries out of Iraq then I attack USA Military bases by Bozmache and I will kill USA navy ships. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

Iran’s Alliances


A layer of Iran’s assets


Revolutionary Guards of Iran Quds Force in North Korea

Revolutionary Guards of Iran must expand to North Korea and build Military bases in North Korea. It will help them to be defensive line against USA expansion in Asia. Because North Korea is a defensive line and barrier between mainland Asia and USA Troops. North Korea and Revolutionary Guards of Iran are both doing the duty given to them by World Order. Now since North Korea, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis are all weaker we have Russia to help Revolutionary Guards, Syria, and Hezbollah. Russia must also help Houthis and gain great strategic depth. Revolutionary Guards of Iran must also establish presence in North Korea and even cooperate with North Korea on development of Nuclear Bombs and International Missiles. #North #Korea #Revolutionary #Guards #Qods #Force #Iran #Hamas #Hezbollah #Syria #Houthis

Makaraska Croatia to Markan Baluchistan Chabahar Rail Way

Build a rail road and a high way from Makaraska Croatia all the way to Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina then continue the rail road all the way to Istanbul then build a tunnel under Bosphorus to Anatolia and extend the rail road to Aleppo Syria and to Tabriz Iran. Make sure my road and rail road avoids NATO member states as much as possible and goes through none NATO members. Don’t be afraid of making curved Rail Ways because this will provide locations where you can build factories, industries, and other facilities nearby freight stations to load and unload to the trains. Make sure the rail way goes to all the major cities because the goal is not fast long distance transit but connecting Industrial centers and centers of food production. Then extend the Rail Road from Makaraska Croatia to Markan region of Baluchistan in Iran and Pakistan connecting the ports in Croatia to ports in South East Iran. Makan Abazari Prince of Partoha, Makan Abazari The King of Radiations, waves, pulses, and

Iran’s Air Force

Image Natanz Iran and Nevada USA, Tonekabon Iran and Tonopah Nevada, Shahsavar Caspian Horse and UFO and Drones. Makan Abazari The Shahsavar

Iran’s Forth Force

So we had Terran (Tehran), Protoss (Makan, Iran), Zerg (Sara Keihanyan, Natanz Iran), and now we have the Forth and it is Makan Abazari Try4Freedom (Iran’s forces of overthrow and mass protests, elections, and regime changes in all nations and regions of the world) We also have Makan Abazari the Shahsavar which is Iran Natanz Tonekabon and superior Air Forces.

Iran Combined Forces

Do you remember starcraft 2? We had Terran which is Tehran Iran, we had Protoss which is Makan The King of Parto from Tehran, Tabriz, Tonekabon, and Natanz Iran. We also have Zerg which was under name of my family members Sarah Keyhanyan sarah KERRIGAN, but now I makan abazari also command the zerg. How did I find out I am Prince of Parto? I was trying to tilt the planet earth and I caused earthquake in Haiti Puerto Prince. Prince of Parto. ماکان اباذری شاهزاده پرتوها So I had to conquer and overthrow all of the planet earth until I became Makan Abazari the world conquerer ماکان اباذری جهان گیر آلمbecame eligible to build bridge over pacific ocean so I became Makan Abazari Korea Pole ماکان اباذری کره پل.

USA war against Islam in Mecca

I told Saudi Arabia and Iran you must be like two Brothers. Meaning Iran and Saudi Arabia must be united and form permanent strategic alliance. I told you by audio at height of my preaching. But America mass mind controlled Muslims in the Makkah Saudi Arabia and caused stumped. This led to large of number of Muslims martyred in the hands of United States of America in Makkah. That led to division of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now Saudi Arabia and Iran must reunite and form permanent strategic and security alliance. They must reopen embassies and form diplomatic relations. America used directed energy weapons to have crane drop on Iranians during Haj Pligrimage in Mecca. Then America mass mind controlled Pligrams to stop and in fromt of Iranians in Haj while had those behind them to continue pushing forward and caused stumped and martyrdom of millions of best Muslims. Now it is the season of Haj in Makkah but there was no Haj Pligrimage due to America’s attack on Muslim World by Coronavirus

Coronavirus method of transmission by Smart Phones

Nano Capsuled Coronavirus sprayed from Smart phones America targeted Boris Johnson by Coronavirus. America has brought all the important part manufacturing of IPhones and cell phones to America. America places nano capsules aerosols encapsulating Coronavirus and other diseases in parts of Cell Phones which are sprayed out of cellphones on demand and remotely and they are being sold all around the World. America used this technology implanted in Cell Phones and targeted Iran, China, Italy, Britain, Germany, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and 199 other countries using Coronavirus encapsulated in nano particles in cell phones. They were supposed to be used for creating sense of smell when watching important art production and movies by spraying nano capsules encapsulating aromatics but the they were actually infected by Coronavirus and other diseases in capsulated in Nano Particles. Britain, Boris Johnson, and rest of the World must point finger at USA and pressure USA. Britain must not pres

Britain and USA war another part

Trump has insulted Harry and Megan Members of British Royal Family. America har targeted Britain by Coronavirus and had infected Boris Johnson by Coronavirus. America even had attempted to target Queen of Britain by Coronavirus. Now they have openly insulted Megan and Harry in USA for their visit to California. #Harry #Megan #Britain #Royal #Family #Boris #Johnson #Trump America has proven enmity to British Royal Family again and again. For example before Prince Harry Megans I remember Prince Harry had came to California. He was playing Pool and while he was playing a pool he was mind control and he made an unwise bet under effect of America’s mind control. Prince Harry lost the pool game and was forced to strip his cloth off in front of public. Then Americans started video recording Prince Harry naked and they shared his photo on the TV in America and to General Public. America has been systematically targeting British Royal with purpose of ruining their image in Britain and Globally.

Turkey in Medditerranean Ses

Turkey is allowed to control oil and gas resources in Mediterranean Sea near Cyprus and Near Greece. All the oil and gas in the region are Turkish Natural Resources and they are historic rights of Turkey to control them. Even Cyprus itself is Turkish territory. Turkey is even allowed to be in Libya. This way Turkey can have broader control over Mediterranean Sea. Only problem I have with Turkey is their supporting of wrong side of War in Syria and Libya. Turkey must support Khalifa Haftar and Al-Assad. Turkey can still make agreement with Libya to be in Libya. Now Turkey must extract petroleum and gas from so called Cyprus territory. #Cyprus #Turkey #Libya #Haftar #Syria #Erdogan #Mediterranean #Sea

Markan Pakistan and Iran

Now employ help of China to industrialize Pakistan at max efficiency and max capacity. Now as reward Japan fishes in Markan Iran and China fishes in Markan Pakistan. But I am undecided on allowing China to build military base in Pakistan. Now connect CPEC to Chabahar port in Iran at max capacity and max efficiency. Japan is not allowed to fish in Sea of Oman. What did Japan do? Get out. I am going to overthrow Japan in 2021 Olympics for not closing USA military bases. India is not allowed to build mind control bases in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. India only builds a port on Chabahar and then finances a rail road to Afghanistan. No sociocultural nor political influence on Afghanistan. But we have family owned rail way from Natanz Budrud ti Afghanistan to China. Also Iran must repair it. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan,

USA Military, Navy, and Air Force are now global terrorist force

America should have not sanctioned Iraq Hezbollah, Iraq Popular Mobilization Army, and Revolutionary Guards of Iran. Now I am going to kill rising stars of your system in USA repeatedly. You shall not have a president ever again and in less than a decade you shall not even be part of USA congress. You got the White House and Systematically sanctioned another system and you though you will run with it? I will repeatedly kill your rising stars in USA. Now USA Military, USA Navy, and USA Air Force are terrorist Organization. All those who sell military equipment to USA Military, their supply chains, and part providers are also sanctioned and where ever they are discovered they will be destroyed. Meaning if I discover Military factory in Japan, France, USA, or Britain proving military equipment to USA I will kill their mind control system, I will destroy the value of their stock market, then I will bulldoze their factories. I will systematically kill USA Military Industry manufacturing and

Iranian Americans

Iranians in America and other parts of the world must support Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is same as Iran and it is for benefit of Iran so all Iranian Americans in America must support Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranians in America must start a lobbying firm in America to lobby USA congress, Senate, and White House to gather support for Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranians in Europe and America must also start think tanks whose sole duty is to gather support for Iran’s projects around the world and to provide support for Islamic Republic of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan,

Bulgaria, Moldavia, Romania, Ukraine, Eurasian Economic Union

Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, and Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union in order to become capable of doing trade with Iran and Russia without tariffs. It will also provide them a door to do trade with European Union by use of custom Union and trade with Japan with reduced tariffs. This membership will also enable them to do trade with Iran and will them access to Iranian Technology and Industrial products at reduced tariffs. Goal here is to provide open sea access for Moldavia and to enable European Union and Eurasian Union to create trade systems to circumvent sanctions and tariff system. Bulgaria shall leave NATO. #Bulgaria #Moldavia #Romania #Ukraine #Eurasian #Economic #Union #Russia #EU #Iran

Britain and Venezuela

I started expanding Revolutionary Guards of Iran to Columbian Drug traffickers, FARC Rebels, and new Jungle Rebels as well as Amazon Rain Forest Rebels, Nicaragua, and Honduras then America accused Venezuela’s Maduro of Narco Trafficking and even illegally arrested innocent Venezuelan General for such charges. Then I was building a Military base by Britain and Canada on the border of USA and Canada. Then in Retaliation USA targeted Boris Johnson by Coronavirus and announced building military base on the border of USA and Canada. Britain must build military base at border of USA and Canada. USA also must remove the charges on Maduro concerning Drug Trafficking. Maduro must also kill the opposition leader Guaido. If America has problem with Iran andBritain moving to South and North of USA then we can eliminate USA and we can move USA to Brazil. Iran, Russia, and China shall have military bases in Mexico to invade USA in future and Britain, Iran, and Russia shall have military bases in Ca

Houthi Rebels and global support for them

Houthi must be politically supported around the world and we need political mind controllers to support Houthi Rebels. We also need mind controlled influentials to support Houthi Muslims. So we need to also device an strategy to support Houthi. America:”Use USA.” America is against Iran and its allies. If you remember the Nikki Haley engineered genocide in Yemen. Well we need Germany and France to pressure Saudi Arabia and UAE on Yemen issue and support Houthi Rebels. We can also have Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbin to also support Houthi Rebels in House of Commons and in Political Arenas in Britain to gather support for Houthi and to end war on Yemen. We also have many figures in European Parliament to support Houthi Rebels. Makan Abazari,

Venezuela and my rebels in USA

Now start developing the Twenty Thousand Rebel Forces I have in USA. I have started force of twenty thousand rebel forces in America and I need them to further arm themselves and become ready for starting rebellion in USA. Russia, China, Britain, Venezuela, and Iran arm them so they can fight back USA federal government. It is because I did not like the threat USA made after indicting Maduro concerning Narco Trafficking. America must watch out for the possibility of armed rebellion in USA. Now start fifty thousand new rebel forces in USA and Arm them by Assault Rifles, Heavy Weapons, and anti air shoulder carried surface to air missiles. Now start installing most advanced rebellion and disorganized warfare and mind control combat softwares on them once they start fighting USA federal government. Now United States of America must be afraid.

Kill Jimmy Carter on upcoming 13th Azar according Iranian Calander

Make sure Jimmy Carter dies on 13th Azar the day Iran took over USA Embassy in Tehran. He has cancer. On the same day have everyone around the world to close down USA Embassies. Yes we killed George Herbert Walker Bush to take the revenge of Soviet on 2018 when the numbers were 666. We are also going to kill Jimmy Carter on the upcoming 3/13 Iranian calendar. Yes I called Comcast to get land line and I yelled Representative at them with that special sound. Then they connected land line but nobody could call me so it was blocked still. So we killed George Herbert Walker Bush and they sent 41 Satellites to orbit as sign of cutting lines and cords and making it telecommunication even further. Anyway, kill Jimmy Carter on 13th azar and connect my phone so people can call me at +16179355792. World Order, Makan Abazari, Iran, Joje bushe macho buso kiso buse shahre boose boostan boston what is it? Oh we made Massachusetts a population of sex slaves for Makan Abazari but he got no girl friend

USA must join OPEC Plus

USA and some other oil producing countries must join OPEC Plus and cooperate with opec to cut oil production and increase value of the oil. At 20 dollar oil price China, Asian, Iran, Middle East Industries prosper and grow at max rate since there is limited cost to provide energy for work at their factories. Now Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, China, Qatar, Russia, and India must purchase profitable oil wells in USA and extract oil from USA also buy profitable petrochemical facilities in USA. Now it forces USA to join OPEC plus. Saudi Arabia must cut oil production.

عمق جنگ انگليس و آمريكا

I am building military bases at the border of Canada and USA by Canada, Britain, Iran, Russia, and China. Now Trump is also building Military bases for USA at border of Canada and USA. Britain and Canada must be very angry at USA and must severe ties. USA targeted Boris Johnson by Coronavirus after I started building military bases for Britain and Canada at the border between Canada and USA. We have retaliated against Trump and it is only matter of time until Trump gets Coronavirus. Britain and Canada must continue working toward establishing military presence at the border of USA and Canada. Britain must also create Nuclear Launch capability against USA from Canada by Nuclear Bombers and Nuclear Missiles. #Britain #Canada #USA #Boris #Johnson #Prime #Minister #MP #PM Conservatives, Labour Party, and other Political Parties in Britain must look beyond BREXIT and work on reunifying British Empire. British Empire will be achieved once Britain establishes full control over Canada and Aust

Sudan and Saudi Iran

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity developing Sudan. Ensure Sudan is dependent on Iran Industrial supply chains and manufacturing. Make sure Iran has economic gain from exporting to Sudan. Expand the size of Military industry and military manufacturing of Sudan. Build military equipment in Sudan working at max capacity and max efficiency. We need to enable Sudan to go into war with Ethiopia. Start civil unrest in Ethiopia and weaken Ethiopia. Expand Iran’s presence in Sudan. We are going to invade Ethiopia by Sudan, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, and Yemen to stop building of renascence dame on Blue Nile River. America must also send 20 million white blond Americans to be sex slaves in Red Sea. What else? Expand the number of ports, rail roads, roads, and transit lines in Sudan connecting it to land locked regions of Africa. Now try to reunify South Sudan and Sudan. Also connect Sudan to Libya, Egypt, Chad, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and

Iran machine

Since America has withdrawn from JCPOA and sanctioned Iran we must mass produce nuclear warheads in Iran the fastest way possible to build ten thousand nuclear warheads within one year. Because when Joe Biden becomes President he will work toward lifting of sanctions on Iran and it will make it difficult to develop ten thousand nuclear warheads afterward. So before Joe Biden takes office Iran must become a Major Nuclear Super power. Iran must assume sanctions may not be lifted for long time. But build the ten thousand nuclear bombs in Iran by Iran for Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must also develop nuclear fuel and nuclear rod industries gaining control over this very strategic sector. Since both mind controllers and electric power generating nuclear power plants use these nuclear fuels and rods. There is also  Trillium Nuclear Power Plant Iran must soon become capable of building. Iran must have capability to produce everything and have exclusivity on many of them. Iran must build nu
